epi-project / brane

Programmable Orchestration of Applications and Networking
Apache License 2.0
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Tests are broken #98

Closed DanielVoogsgerd closed 2 days ago

DanielVoogsgerd commented 2 days ago

Okay, I am getting quite a few errors when running the tests.

@lut99 Wasn't this commit supposed to fix this?

I can take a look at it next week (hopefully).

I will mark the tests in CI as continue_on_failure until we have fixed this.

running 0 tests

test result: ok. 0 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s

running 14 tests
test edgebuffer::tests::test_edgebuffer ... ok
test traversals::compile::tests::test_compile ... FAILED
test traversals::flatten::tests::test_flatten ... FAILED
test traversals::location::tests::test_location ... FAILED
test traversals::attributes::tests::test_attributes ... FAILED
test traversals::data::tests::test_data ... FAILED
test traversals::print::dsl::tests::test_print ... FAILED
test traversals::null::tests::test_null ... FAILED
test traversals::typing::tests::test_typing ... FAILED
test traversals::resolve::tests::test_resolve ... FAILED
test traversals::metadata::tests::test_metadata ... FAILED
test traversals::prune::tests::test_prune ... FAILED
test traversals::workflow_optimize::tests::test_workflow_optimize ... FAILED
test traversals::workflow_resolve::tests::test_workflow_resolve ... FAILED


---- traversals::compile::tests::test_compile stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::compile::tests::test_compile' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::flatten::tests::test_flatten stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::flatten::tests::test_flatten' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::location::tests::test_location stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::location::tests::test_location' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::attributes::tests::test_attributes stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::attributes::tests::test_attributes' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

---- traversals::data::tests::test_data stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::data::tests::test_data' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::print::dsl::tests::test_print stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::print::dsl::tests::test_print' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::null::tests::test_null stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::null::tests::test_null' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::typing::tests::test_typing stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::typing::tests::test_typing' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::resolve::tests::test_resolve stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::resolve::tests::test_resolve' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::metadata::tests::test_metadata stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::metadata::tests::test_metadata' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::prune::tests::test_prune stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::prune::tests::test_prune' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::workflow_optimize::tests::test_workflow_optimize stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::workflow_optimize::tests::test_workflow_optimize' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3

---- traversals::workflow_resolve::tests::test_workflow_resolve stdout ----
File '../tests/branescript/recursion.bs' gave us:
thread 'traversals::workflow_resolve::tests::test_workflow_resolve' panicked at $HOME/work/epi-project/brane/main/brane-shr/src/utilities.rs:185:33:
Failed to read '../tests/data/test/test.yml' as AssetInfo: Failed to parse asset info file '../tests/data/test/test.yml': access: invalid type: map, expected a YAML tag starting with '!' at line 14 column 3


test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 13 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.02s
DanielVoogsgerd commented 2 days ago

Nevermind, this was fixed on develop. I thought it was already merged into main, my bad, apologies.