Closed dgoswamia closed 7 months ago
Hello @nrhorner as you suggested created a new ticket, please review the ticket and help me with the issue. Thanks
Hi @dgoswamia , exit status 137 might be due to memory constraints could you try this troubleshooting faq: and let me know how it goes?
Thanks for opening a new ticket @dgoswamia
It looks like I need to assign more memory to the medaka process. A workaround for now is this:
Create a file with the following contents. Lets call it resource.config
process {
withName: medaka_consensus {
memory = 8.GB
And add the following to your command
-r resource.config
You could increase the memory further if that does not work for you
Please let me know if that doesn't work for you.
Hello @nrhorner , what is the default memory for medaka_consensus and can you please let me know where it is defined? Thanks
@dgoswamia It was set to 2GB (which is too low)
I'll get that increased and release it ASAP. In the meantime, the workaround I posted should work for you.
@dgoswamia The pre-release version has increased the medaka memory allocation to 8GB. You can test that out using -r prerelease
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EPI2ME Version
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CLI command run
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-aav-qc \ -r v1.0.3 \ --fastq input_files/fastq_files/ \ --ref_host input_files/ref_host_files/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa \ --ref_helper input_files/ref_helper_files/Helper_fiber_removed.fasta \ --ref_rep_cap input_files/ref_rep_cap_files/pTrans_Rep2_AAV9-PHP.eB.fasta \ --ref_transgene_plasmid input_files/ref_transgene_plasmid_files/ HA_MYBPC3.fasta \ --itr1_start 1375 \ --itr1_end 1519 \ --itr2_start 5937 \ --itr2_end 6081 \ -profile standard
Workflow Execution - CLI Execution Profile
standard (default)
What happened?
Error on the workflow
ERROR ~ Error executing process > 'pipeline:medaka_consensus (1)'
Caused by: Process
pipeline:medaka_consensus (1)
terminated with an error exit status (137)Command executed:
Extract reads mapping to transgene plasmid
samtools view align.bam -bh " HA_MYBPC3" > transgene_reads.bam samtools index transgene_reads.bam
echo r1041_e82_400bps_sup_variant_g615
echo r1041_e82_400bps_sup_variant_g615
medaka consensus transgene_reads.bam "consensus_probs.hdf" --threads 2 --model r1041_e82_400bps_sup_variant_g615
medaka stitch --threads 2 consensus_probs.hdf transgene_plasmid.fa "fastq_files.transgene_plasmsid_consensus.fasta" bgzip "fastq_files.transgene_plasmsid_consensus.fasta"
medaka variant transgene_plasmid.fa consensus_probs.hdf "transgene_plasmid.vcf"
bcftools sort transgene_plasmid.vcf > "fastq_files.transgene_plasmsid_sorted.vcf.gz"
Command exit status: 137
Command output: r1041_e82_400bps_sup_variant_g615 r1041_e82_400bps_sup_variant_g615
Command error: [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270516.1:0-1300. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270389.1:0-1298. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.05s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270466.1:0-1233. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.05s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270388.1:0-1216. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.10s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270544.1:0-1202. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.04s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270310.1:0-1201. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.05s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270412.1:0-1179. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.07s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270395.1:0-1143. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.06s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270376.1:0-1136. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.04s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270337.1:0-1121. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.08s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270335.1:0-1048. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.06s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270378.1:0-1048. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Took 0.15s to make features. [18:30:41 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270379.1:0-1045. [18:30:42 - Sampler] Took 1.26s to make features. [18:30:42 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270329.1:0-1040. [18:30:42 - Sampler] Took 1.28s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270419.1:0-1029. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.07s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270336.1:0-1026. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.06s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.07s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270312.1:0-998. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270539.1:0-993. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.02s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.04s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270385.1:0-990. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270423.1:0-981. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.04s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270392.1:0-971. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.03s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region KI270394.1:0-970. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.07s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region HA_MYBPC3:0-9850. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.03s to make features. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Initializing sampler for consensus of region pTrans_Rep2_AAV9-PHP.eB:0-7467. [18:30:43 - Sampler] Took 0.04s to make features. [18:32:22 - Feature] Processed HA_MYBPC3:0.0-9849.0 (median depth 8084.0) [18:32:22 - Sampler] Took 99.15s to make features. line 11: 6619 Killed medaka consensus transgene_reads.bam "consensus_probs.hdf" --threads 2 --model r1041_e82_400bps_sup_variant_g615
Work dir: /mnt/efs/home/dgoswami/running_nextflow/epi2me-labs-wf-aav-qc/work/8c/9805556e17a61d3e50f60af373320b
Tip: view the complete command output by changing to the process work dir and entering the command
cat .command.out
-- Check '.nextflow.log' file for details
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