Open MauriAndresMU1313 opened 1 month ago
I would like to add to the post that when I close the session, the workflow stop, when the fact is that I was running in the background and the output show this:
This is epi2me-labs/wf-flu v1.2.3-g5290f79.
Searching input for [.fastq, .fastq.gz, .fq, .fq.gz] files.
[- ] validate_sample_sheet -
[- ] validate_sample_sheet -
[- ] fastcat -
[- ] pipeline:alignReads -
[- ] pipeline:coverageCalc -
[- ] validate_sample_sheet -
[- ] fastcat -
[- ] pipeline:alignReads -
[- ] pipeline:coverageCalc -
[- ] pipeline:downSample -
[- ] pipeline:medakaVariants -
[- ] pipeline:makeConsensus -
[- ] pipeline:typeFlu -
[- ] pipeline:processType -
[- ] pipeline:prepNextclade -
[- ] pipeline:nextclade -
[- ] pipeline:getVersions -
[- ] pipeline:getParams -
[- ] pipeline:collectFilesInDir -
[- ] validate_sample_sheet -
[- ] fastcat -
[- ] pipeline:alignReads -
[- ] pipeline:coverageCalc -
[- ] pipeline:downSample -
[- ] pipeline:medakaVariants -
[- ] pipeline:makeConsensus -
[- ] pipeline:typeFlu -
[- ] pipeline:processType -
[- ] pipeline:prepNextclade -
[- ] pipeline:nextclade -
[- ] pipeline:getVersions -
[- ] pipeline:getParams -
[- ] pipeline:collectFilesInDir -
[- ] pipeline:makeReport -
[- ] output -
And the .log
file shows the interrupted error:
Oct-21 17:53:23.676 [Actor Thread 31] DEBUG nextflow.processor.TaskProcessor - Handling unexpected condition for
task: name=validate_sample_sheet; work-dir=null
error [java.lang.InterruptedException]: java.lang.InterruptedException
Oct-21 17:53:23.676 [Actor Thread 32] DEBUG nextflow.processor.TaskProcessor - Handling unexpected condition for
task: name=pipeline:getParams; work-dir=null
error [java.lang.InterruptedException]: java.lang.InterruptedException
Oct-21 17:53:23.677 [Actor Thread 25] DEBUG nextflow.processor.TaskProcessor - Handling unexpected condition for
task: name=pipeline:getVersions; work-dir=null
error [java.lang.InterruptedException]: java.lang.InterruptedException
So, looks like the pipeline stay active without run any process
Hi @MauriAndresMU1313 - how long had you been running the workflow before you closed the session? It could be that the workflow was downloading the required docker images before any of the processes began?
Thank you for your quick response! I had to leave the session open for at least 4 hours. Even so, I run the following command to run in the background:
nohup bash &
This worked before, and in a previous post I mentioned that the pipeline in my VM stopped at the medaka step, so since I installed the conda environment with Tensor Flow with AVX instructions, the pipeline went down. I know that does not make sense, because it is a conda environment, so I tried with the conda activate and deactivate but as I mentioned here, the pipeline does nothing. Maybe download the docker image again? Any suggestion?
Operating System
Ubuntu 22.04
Other Linux
No response
Workflow Version
wf-flu v1.2.3-g5290f79
Workflow Execution
Command line (Cluster)
Other workflow execution
No response
EPI2ME Version
No response
CLI command run
nextflow run epi2me-labs/wf-flu --downsample 50 --fastq 'demo_data/wf-flu-demo/fastq/' --sample_sheet 'demo_data/wf-flu-demo/sample_sheet.csv' -profile standard
Workflow Execution - CLI Execution Profile
What happened?
I was trying to run the demo-data to check if the pipeline is working properly. Previously, the pipeline ran until an specific step, but was running, I would like to remark that.
Relevant log output
Application activity log entry
No response
Were you able to successfully run the latest version of the workflow with the demo data?
other (please describe below)
Other demo data information