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Problem while multithreading with slurm #187

Open remyvander opened 4 weeks ago

remyvander commented 4 weeks ago

Ask away!

Hi ! When I run the demo command on a machine, the workflow runs smoothly without a hitch. I'd like to try running this command on a slurm cluster to try and save some computation time. But the workflow gets an error on the job: makeAlignmentReport Here's the error command:

Capture d’écran 2024-06-03 à 09 07 48

So my question is: which process provides the files that MakeAlignement Report needs? and do you have any ideas on how to temporize this job or another solution?

Thank you very much for your help


RenzoTale88 commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @remyvander Thank you for notifying this, we'll work on a patch. In the meanwhile, the reporting processes can be skipped by setting --output_report false. I'll leave this open until a fix is available.
