epi2me-labs / wf-transcriptomes

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Specifying minimap2 parameters #101

Open lilif99 opened 1 month ago

lilif99 commented 1 month ago

Ask away!

Hi, I'm trying to specify the minimap2 parameter '--junc_bed' with a bed file of splice annotations to ensure the correct splice sites are mapped around my gene of interest, which is something that has worked well outside of this workflow. My code looks like this: nextflow run /home/lmf1u23/.nextflow/assets/epi2me-labs/wf-transcriptomes -resume --disable_ping true -profile apptainer -c /home/lmf1u23/nextflowa100_transcript.config --fastq ./FASTQ/CRA62.fastq --sample CRA62 --transcriptome_source reference-guided --ref_genome ./GCA_000001405.15_GRCh38_no_alt_analysis_set.fa --ref_annotation ./gencode.v41.annotations.gtf --out_dir ./CRA62/splice/ -with-apptainer ./epi2me.3 --cdna_kit SQK-PCS111 --pychopper_opts '-Q 5' --minimap2_opts '--junc_bed /home/lmf1u23/spliceannotations.bed' --min_feature_expr 2

But I keep getting an error at the pipeline:reference_assembly:map_reads step: [ERROR] unknown option in "--junc_bed"

Am I using it incorrectly or is this parameter not applicable for the epi2me wf?

sarahjeeeze commented 1 month ago

Thanks for letting us know, that is interesting. Could you let me know which minimap2 version you have locally? It might be that we need to update it in the workflow? minimap2 --version

lilif99 commented 1 month ago

Hi @sarahjeeeze , I'm using the latest version of minimap2 2.28

sarahjeeeze commented 1 month ago

Ah ok we are on 2.24 - we will look at updating it and let you know when this is ready.