epi2me-labs / wf-transcriptomes

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Buil_minimap_index_transcriptome error #64

Closed mdhitch closed 3 months ago

mdhitch commented 5 months ago

Ask away!

On several machines I am using I am getting an error at the build_minimap_transcriptome stage. Errors with a 137 exit status suggesting a memory issue. However, some of the machines I have tried with have quite some substantial resources and all still fail at this step. I don’t believe this step is using all resources that have been allocated, so would be grateful to have some advice on getting over this hurdle.

Just as a side issue, working with ~16 samples and ~ just over 190 million reads, the whole workflow to this stage takes quite some time too, so any advice on speeding things up would also be much appreciated.



nrhorner commented 5 months ago

Hi @mdhitch

Which reference transcriptome are you using (--ref_transcriptome). Is it publicly available? If not, could you let me how many sequences are in it?

Could you post a log too please?



mdhitch commented 5 months ago

Hi @nrhorner,

This particular one is from the gird. N E X T F L O W ~ version 23.04.2 Launching/data/scratch/workflows/epi2me-labs/wf-transcriptomes/main.nf[brave_einstein] DSL2 - revision: 0b8606d864 |||||||||| _____ ____ ___ ____ __ __ _____ _ _ |||||||||| | ____| _ \_ _|___ \| \/ | ____| | | __ _| |__ ___ ||||| | _| | |_) | | __) | |\/| | _| _____| |/ _ | ' \/ | ||||| | || /| | / /| | | | ||_| | (| | |) \ \ |||||||||| |_|_| |_|___|| ||| ||\,|._/|/ |||||||||| wf-transcriptomes v1.0.0

Core Nextflow options runName : brave_einstein containerEngine: docker launchDir : /data/scratch/instances/wf-transcriptomes_01HNFWF1ETA50SKYX76XTK4CZQ workDir : /data/scratch/instances/wf-transcriptomes_01HNFWF1ETA50SKYX76XTK4CZQ/work projectDir : /data/scratch/workflows/epi2me-labs/wf-transcriptomes userName : grid profile : standard configFiles : /data/scratch/workflows/epi2me-labs/wf-transcriptomes/nextflow.config, /data/scratch/instances/wf-transcriptomes_01HNFWF1ETA50SKYX76XTK4CZQ/local.config Input Options fastq : /data/scratch/nano_trans/fastqs ref_genome : /data/Adaptive_Sampling_Refs/my_jaffa/hg38.fa ref_annotation : /data/Adaptive_Sampling_Refs/my_jaffa/genCode22.annotation.gtf Output Options out_dir : /data/scratch/instances/wf-transcriptomes_01HNFWF1ETA50SKYX76XTK4CZQ/output Sample Options sample_sheet : /data/scratch/jeff_conditions.csv Differential Expression Options de_analysis : true Advanced Options cdna_kit : SQK-PCS111 !! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!

If you use epi2me-labs/wf-transcriptomes for your analysis please cite:

Genome is the human gencode22 version (thought it vital to use this version at first to line up with jaffa but those previous issues mean its not).



@nrhorner, just noticed that final_non_redundant_transcriptome.fasta is empty.

nrhorner commented 5 months ago

Hi @mdhitch

There is a fix on it's way for this.

In the meantime a potential workaround is to override the memory directive for the failing process. To do this, create a file containing this (lets call it mem.config)

process {
    withName: build_minimap_index_transcriptome {
        memory = 32.GB

then apply it to the workflow using -c mem.config

let me knwo if that does not work for you.



mdhitch commented 5 months ago

Thank you @nrhorner . I will give it a go. Blatantly obvious that I am (I am afraid to say) relatively new to using Nextflow and as such tuning parameters to suit.

sarahjeeeze commented 4 months ago

Hi, this should now be updated in v1.1.0 - let us know if you still have issues.

sarahjeeeze commented 3 months ago

Commenting through lack of response and issue should now be resolved.