epiccurious / bitcoin-core-node-builder

Spin up a secure Bitcoin Core node with ease.
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Sending Ctrl+C (SIGINT) shouldn't close child process #172

Open epiccurious opened 11 months ago

epiccurious commented 11 months ago

During the IBD process, the user can close the terminal window and just run Bitcoin Core; however, if the user sends Ctrl+C, bash will both stop the script and close the child process (Bitcoin Core).

Set up a trap SIGINT function to that will exit the script gracefully.

epiccurious commented 11 months ago

Removing from MVP.

epiccurious commented 11 months ago

This issue is blocked, pending the resolution of https://github.com/epiccurious/bitcoin-core-node-builder/issues/10.

Setting Core to run as a service would solve the Ctrl+C issue.