epickrram / grav

Performance visualisation tools
Apache License 2.0
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Scheduling profile - breakdown of incoming processes. #10

Open postol opened 6 years ago

postol commented 6 years ago

Hi Mark,

first thank you for the very useful tools you have here - didn't have time to play with them yet but it is on my todo list. Quick question, in you blog post you mentioned the following:

"To make the scheduling-profile tool more useful, I intend to annotate the runnable state portion of the bar chart with a further breakdown detailing the incoming processes that kicked application threads off-CPU. This will provide enough information to direct system-tuning efforts to ensure an application has the best chance possible to get CPU-time when required."

Is this feature still planned? I think it would make the scheduling profile even much more useful for fine-tuning application jitter.

Thank you and kind regards, Petr

epickrram commented 6 years ago

Hi Petr, yes the feature is still planned. From what I remember, it would only be possible on newer kernel versions, and I haven't got around to testing out my solution. If you are interested in contributing and have the bandwidth to look into it, I can give you some pointers.