epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
MIT License
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Calendar component #1214

Open asvae opened 2 years ago

asvae commented 2 years ago

In the scope of discussion we decided that:

So, to implement this, we need:

Previous issue:

Examples: https://vcalendar.io/attributes.html https://vuetifyjs.com/en/components/calendars/

Here's the ways I see we can handle this technically:

m0ksem commented 2 years ago

This PR should close https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/issues/1468 I think.

LighthouseKeeperYN commented 2 years ago

v-calendar dependency is pretty heavy: 180kb for calendar component alone.

asvae commented 2 weeks ago

I checked other UI frameworks and calendar implementations look rather rudimentary, so might be an a unique feature on our side if we manage to implement it.