epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
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feat: add definable generated styles anchor #2819

Open LighthouseKeeperYN opened 1 year ago

LighthouseKeeperYN commented 1 year ago

close #2449

Add definable anchor for the styles generated at runtime.

Example of the anchor: <meta name=vuestic-style>

Types of changes

LighthouseKeeperYN commented 1 year ago

In the reference they're insert styles before an anchor meta tag. As I checked addOrUpdateStyleElement method usage, it used only in the breakpoint services. We need to check for other generatable styles.

I have already checked and I think all the other styles are part of the components, I'm not sure if they're in the scope of this task.

aluarius commented 1 year ago

As I checked addOrUpdateStyleElement method usage, it used only in the breakpoint services. We need to check for other generatable styles.

Initially it was used by colors service, not sure if it is for now.

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Our styles included by bundler, not by style_inject, so I don't see any reasons why do we need this feature. I prefer to skip this feature until someone asks for it.