epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
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chore(docs): added missing props translations #3367

Closed xiongmao86 closed 1 year ago

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Try to fix #2095.


waiting for file of VaFileUpload

Types of changes

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am filling prop descriptions, I meet contain in VaCarousel, I have difficulty figure out what it means, I have search the whole project with contain keyword, but could not find similar component use it, and no similar props in en.json.

What does this prop do?

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Oh, It's in the VaImage component. I neglect to check that. Sorry.

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Adding aria-select-all-rows-label to VaDataTable emit an 500 error Body is unusable. I don't know how to handle this. Can I have review now and postpone the rest work?

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am filling prop descriptions, I meet contain in VaCarousel, I have difficulty figure out what it means, I have search the whole project with contain keyword, but could not find similar component use it, and no similar props in en.json.

What does this prop do?

Looks like contain is an old prop used and fit="contain" must be used instead. This prop can be removed in 1.7.0, but not now for compatibility support with old versions. Would be nice to hide this prop from docs.

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, thanks for taking the review. As you said contain is likely to be deprecated, how can I hide it, do you mean remove it from the en.json file?

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Adding aria-select-all-rows-label to VaDataTable emit an 500 error Body is unusable. I don't know how to handle this. Can I have review now and postpone the rest work?

Can you push changes, so I can take a look? I'm not understanding the issue...

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, thanks for taking the review. As you said contain is likely to be deprecated, how can I hide it, do you mean remove it from the en.json file?

Can be made in api-options.ts file

export default defineManualApi({
  props: {
    contain: {
      hidden: true,
  // ...
xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Adding aria-select-all-rows-label to VaDataTable emit an 500 error Body is unusable. I don't know how to handle this. Can I have review now and postpone the rest work?

Can you push changes, so I can take a look? I'm not understanding the issue...

Thank you very much, I'll put it in a new issue.

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

@m0ksem, the issue disappear when I save the edit and then yarn serve:docs, it's a work around. I am very sorry for the inconvenient I cause. Should I report an issue? Is appropriate to continue the review and I'll put the rest work on another pr? Or should I continue in the current pr?

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Oh, I can continue my work.

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

@m0ksem, the issue disappear when I save the edit and then yarn serve:docs, it's a work around. I am very sorry for the inconvenient I cause. Should I report an issue? Is appropriate to continue the review and I'll put the rest work on another pr? Or should I continue in the current pr?

I think it is a nuxt issue. If you're able to make reproduction I'd recommend go make issue, but I think it was one-time event. Something related to memory or cache maybe. So just ignore it.

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

@m0ksem, the issue disappear when I save the edit and then yarn serve:docs, it's a work around. I am very sorry for the inconvenient I cause. Should I report an issue? Is appropriate to continue the review and I'll put the rest work on another pr? Or should I continue in the current pr?

And it is appropriate to work in this pr if you feel you want add something. "Convert to draft" is a good indicator that you want to add something, so reviewer should wait. I think as external contributor you're doing the best, so just do the way you like it.

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much, @m0ksem.

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, I have proceed to VaDateInput component, and I find nothing when I search the repo with ariaSelectedDateLabel, it doesn't seem to be used?

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, I have proceed to VaDateInput component, and I find nothing when I search the repo with ariaSelectedDateLabel, it doesn't seem to be used?

Thanks! It is a bug. Prop must be used in inputAttributesComputed instead of tp('selectedDate')

ariaLabel: props.label || tp('selectedDate'),

ariaLabel: props.label || tp(props.ariaSelectedDateLabel),
m0ksem commented 1 year ago

@xiongmao86, I'm not able to assign you to https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/issues/2095. Can you please write a comment to the issue, so I can assign it to you? Until then, I'll assign myself, so we can track if someone is working on this issue.

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, I have been working on the FileUpload ui component, I have found this file prop, It seems belong to the item of vaFileUploadList, but not VaFileUploadList itself. I wonder why it's exposed at FileUpload component? What does it use for?

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

This pr is ready for review, thanks.

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, I have been working on the FileUpload ui component, I have found this file prop, It seems belong to the item of vaFileUploadList, but not VaFileUploadList itself. I wonder why it's exposed at FileUpload component? What does it use for?

Hi. It is exposed trough const VaFileUploadListProps = extractComponentProps(VaFileUploadList). So VaFileUpload inherit props from VaFileUploadList.

m0ksem commented 1 year ago

Good work, thanks!

xiongmao86 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @m0ksem, I have been working on the FileUpload ui component, I have found this file prop, It seems belong to the item of vaFileUploadList, but not VaFileUploadList itself. I wonder why it's exposed at FileUpload component? What does it use for?

Hi. It is exposed trough const VaFileUploadListProps = extractComponentProps(VaFileUploadList). So VaFileUpload inherit props from VaFileUploadList.

Ah, What I mean is there are files prop, and file prop, files prop is relate to the VaFileUploadList, it represents files to be uploaded. file prop is related to one item of VaUploadFileList, for example it could be an VaFileGalleryItem, that's only one file.

It's strange to have the file prop when files prop is already there. And pointing to item probably means it should be the prop of the specific item it binds to, and shouldn't be exposed as an a prop even in VaFileUploadList.