epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
MIT License
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Polish: typography #3716

Open asvae opened 10 months ago

asvae commented 10 months ago

There are a couple of problems with current typography implementation.

We switched to tailwind out of the box, so we want to remove all helpers that do not fit. Doesn't mean vuestic should have no style helper, more of we want to be strategic when we decide what to leave (what benefit it has compared to tailwind).

Here an example of helper, I believe, we can safely delete:


Tailwind has all of that and much much more.



m0ksem commented 10 months ago

Typography must be splitted in two modules: typography helpers, typography components.

Components - classes like va-h1, va-code, va-unordered, etc. Helpers - classes like va-uppercase, va-bold, etc.

Possible imports:


vuestic/css - includes all typography modules

// or

vuestic/styles/typography - helpers and elements 

// or

vuestic/styles/typography/helpers - only helpers
vuestic/styles/typography/elements - only components or elements, whatever you call it

First two already implemented