epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
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docs: playground #4021

Closed m0ksem closed 6 months ago

m0ksem commented 6 months ago

closes https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/issues/4018 closes https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/issues/3702 closes https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/issues/3162

Removed broken Codesandbox and added playground on ui.vuestic.dev.

New button: (not sure about icon tho)


Playground for component example looks like a modal:



After user changed something in playground, it can be shared via url. Url looks like:



I use vue-repl here to make a sandbox. We need a complete ES build in one file for vue-repl, so I build one in nuxt module before docs build start. Vue-repl makes it easy to share state between pages using serialization. So we don't need to store user's changes on backend - it is stored in url. When user open playground from code example in modal url changes to ui.vuestic.dev/play#state so it can be easily shared. When modal is closed, url changes back to docs page.

I believe this will help users to make reproduction easier.

Sandbox supports tailwind, but will not allow installing additional dependencies, what I think OK.

This PR also closes https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-ui/issues/4019, I found out this problem when tried to use our es module from CDN.

Downside of this PR is that for now, it is impossible to test not latest vuestic version. In such case, I think user still able to make codesandbox reproduction.

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

There's an overflow issue image

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

Refreshing the page is causing the modal to break

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

during focus or selection, a default outline appears

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

The background is static and doesn't change with the theme. Also, white background doesn't look good with elements that have dropdowns

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

Some components are not working properly, such as the date-picker or table

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

tailwind classes works unless they are custom or not defined through the docs

m0ksem commented 6 months ago

tailwind classes works unless they are custom or not defined through the docs

I updated PR, might be fixed. Can you share an example where the issue happens? Thanks.

Roman4437 commented 6 months ago

tailwind classes works unless they are custom or not defined through the docs

I updated PR, might be fixed. Can you share an example where the issue happens? Thanks.

It's working properly now

m0ksem commented 6 months ago

Looks like <style lang="*" isn't supported yet by vue-repl.


We also need to add config, similar to codesandbox's config, so it can load additional libs, like AGGrid.

asvae commented 6 months ago

For Asva to finish:

Master → 1.8.4

Develop → compiled (npm)

Experimental → compiled (npm)

Master → [1.8.3, 1.8.4]

Develop → [1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1234567a, 123567b]

play - source code

play - vuestic-version

m0ksem commented 6 months ago

For Asva to finish:

Master → 1.8.4

Develop → compiled (npm)

Experimental → compiled (npm)

Master → [1.8.3, 1.8.4]

Develop → [1.8.3, 1.8.4, 1234567a, 123567b]

play - source code

play - vuestic-version

  • Some examples still use old codesandbox - we need to cover that.

I have a PR for build tool. Let's deal with it later, when my PR is merged. It will be easy to add a esm-browser build, which we could use from npm.

asvae commented 6 months ago

I moved everything we discussed to this issue. So we can merge this PR.