epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
MIT License
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perf: bump vitest version to latest #4208

Closed gweesin closed 1 month ago

gweesin commented 1 month ago


When I contributed to this repo, I noticed that the git commit pre-hook was too long. Upon analysis, I found that it is caused by unit tests.

However, simply bumping the version of Vitest can significantly improve performance.

cd packages/ui

vitest run

Update the Vitest version to the latest one to achieve better performance.


Test Files  95 passed | 1 skipped (96)
     Tests  241 passed | 1 skipped (242)
      Time  48.90s (in thread 9.02s, 541.97%)


 Test Files  95 passed | 1 skipped (96)
      Tests  241 passed | 1 skipped (242)
   Start at  18:08:10
   Duration  22.93s (transform 7.70s, setup 14ms, collect 155.86s, tests 8.80s, environment 118.10s, prepare 20.85s)

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