epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Free and Open Source UI Library for Vue 3 🤘
MIT License
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VaAvatar deforms non-square images #4232

Open bagrovYKT opened 4 weeks ago

bagrovYKT commented 4 weeks ago

Vuestic-ui version: 1.9.8


VaAvatar is currently generate an img tag, which is sensitive to aspect ratio of the source image. So, when it's not 1:1, it is impossible to use VaAvatar component because it deforms image. However, there is a best-practice for this case to use background-image style property with background-size: cover, background-position: center center instead of img tag. So, i think VaAvatar component should be refactored for properly displayed non-square images.

Best regards to all the contribute team!