epicmaxco / vuestic-ui

Vuestic UI is an open-source Vue 3 component library designed for rapid development, easy maintenance, and high accessibility. Maintained by Epicmax (@epicmaxco).
MIT License
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Clicks and passing arguments are sometimes non operational on component root level #4262

Open asvae opened 7 months ago

asvae commented 7 months ago

Vuestic-ui version: 1.9.10



This issue doesn't seem too pressing, but pretty crucial if we want to have unified automated testing. To make it work we would need the following, I believe:


This is repro only for data-testid case.


m0ksem commented 6 months ago

I face the same issue with input when working on devtools.

2024-05-09 at 11 55 42 - Magenta Cattle

Styles actually applied to input, instead of Input wrapper.