epicodus-classroom / dei-curriculum

This repository contains all curriculum related to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion efforts at Epicodus.
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week 4 has two lessons, when there should be just one #10

Open remy-says-hi opened 4 years ago

remy-says-hi commented 4 years ago

There may have been a miscommunication at some point, but my understanding is that week 4 is supposed to cover only imposter syndrome and leave the discussion on privilege for a later week. Currently, the curriculum shows homework in week 4 for both topics.

franzknupfer commented 4 years ago

Based on where we left it in this issue, the plan was to have both DEI lessons in week 4 for now: https://github.com/epicodus-classroom/dei-curriculum/issues/2. I did request that we have just one lesson per week for the future, so I agree that the plan should be one lesson per week going forward.

remy-says-hi commented 4 years ago

Ok, then we're agreed. One lesson per week and week 4 is imposter syndrome. The discussion on privilege will come in a later week.

Sorry about the confusion - I thought we had email correspondence in which we decided to separate the topics into two weeks.

franzknupfer commented 4 years ago

We can do week 8 for privilege since we have content already planned for week 6 (Speaking Up) and 7 (Building Community). Or, because we don't actually have the lessons or slides for week 6 and 7, we could put privilege lesson in week 6 and bump the other two back.

remy-says-hi commented 4 years ago

Hey Franz - I think we should plan it for week 8, or later.

There are slides for week 6 "Speaking Up", that depending on any content you find, I may update. I got the ideas there from the AllyShift meeting.

I will start in on the week 7 slides ASAP, which will connect into what you've written here, but include topics on signal boosting and giving credit/shoutouts to co-workers/classmates on social media/in class/at work as THE awesome tool for positive relationship building.

Also considering the lesson on jokes, I think it would also be appropriate to talk about that before we do the privilege talk. That's in line with what we were discussing at one point about the difference between prioritizing "immediate tools" first versus "larger concepts to be aware of".


franzknupfer commented 4 years ago

I've drafted a Speaking Up lesson - it hews pretty closely to the slides: https://github.com/epicodus-classroom/dei-curriculum/blob/master/dei-talks/5_speaking_up.md.

One piece of feedback I did see in SurveyMonkey is that a talk didn't differ enough from the lesson - though the person giving feedback did seem to suggest that a good way to approach it would be to allow for more discussion from students.

remy-says-hi commented 4 years ago

I saw that feedback and it makes total sense! I think a quick refresher of major points can be helpful to conversation, but I agree that asking pointed questions to facilitate discussion is missing and needed, especially to get students talking and not to double up on material. I'm going to focus on that for the next discussion/presentation and for the rest.

Also for the speaking up lesson the AllyShift is a workshop and specifically not a training. The language should be updated.

franzknupfer commented 4 years ago

I've updated the language. Hopefully everything else looks good, at least for a first runthrough for this cohort.