This Issue is a duplicate made from the old epicodus-classroom page. Since we're moving the order or lessons following this proposal React will be happening before C#. As a result lessons referring to things students learned in C# in should be updated or removed from React.
Functional Programming
[x] Node in command line lesson, remove "If you are a full-time student, you have experience using a REPL (Read - Evaluate - Print - Loop) — either with C# or Ruby."
[x] Classical Inheritance, remove line "We explored this concept further in both Ruby/Rails and C#/.NET."
[x] Update entire lesson Capstone Timeline & Brainstorming to reflect new timeline with React Swap. Also update line "We recommend creating an application that utilizes knowledge from your React, Ruby/Rails, and/or C#/.NET classes."
[x] Coin Counter lesson, remove "You may have solved this problem in C# or Ruby. This time, your goal is to solve it using recursion!"
React Fundamentals
[x] Introduction to React lesson, remove "It's not an MVC like .NET or Rails." and update or remove "Many still are, including the MVC applications we created with Rails and .NET."
[x] Updating a ticket lesson, remove/update "Once again, we had to deal with a lot of little pieces — and it's considerably more involved than adding a few routes in Rails or .NET."
React NoSQL
[x] NoSQL introduction lesson, remove "As students of C#/.NET and Ruby/Rails learned, ..."
[x] Cap theorem, remove or update "These are in contrast to the ACID theorem, which generally explains how SQL databases behave. We discussed the ACID theorem in Ruby/Rails and C#/.NET, but if you need a refresher or didn't go through those courses, we recommend taking a look."
[x] Structuring for Firestore lesson, remove "Rails and .NET coders can apply their SQL knowledge here. "
[x] Firestore queries lesson, remove "Rails and .NET students may already be familiar with database indexing (which is optional but often recommended for database performance)."
[x] The PT React NoSQL CR layout will need to be updated with all other CRs updates but currently its pointing towards the old NOSQL notes instead of the new ones in this layout file.
React with APIs
[x] React with APIs objectives lesson, remove bullet point "* Building a full stack application using a React front end and a .NET or Rails API"
[ ] Fullstack development lesson should be completely removed or updated. This expects students to build a full stack application with the backend API they build in C#.
[ ] Capstone Brainstorming this lesson should be moved into the first week of C# curriculum.
[ ] MVP Lesson should be moved into the first week of C# curriculum.
[ ] Capstone Project Proposal lessons should be moved to C# or Capstone weeks, not sure where users "sign-up" and submit proposals in the new course schedule.
[ ] NoSQL Adding Firebase Lesson replace the sentence However, if you plan on using React and Firebase in your capstone project, with However, if you think you'd like to explore React and Firebase in your capstone project,.
[ ] NoSQL Further Exploration Lesson replace the sentence , or for your capstone. with , or eventually for your capstone project.
This Issue is a duplicate made from the old epicodus-classroom page. Since we're moving the order or lessons following this proposal React will be happening before C#. As a result lessons referring to things students learned in C# in should be updated or removed from React.
Functional Programming
React Fundamentals
React NoSQL
React with APIs
Capstone Work
or eventual capstone project
.However, if you plan on using React and Firebase in your capstone project,
withHowever, if you think you'd like to explore React and Firebase in your capstone project,
., or for your capstone.
with, or eventually for your capstone project.
Additionally there are lessons from C# that should be moved into React which another issue will cover.