[Usersnap] Under the "Updating the formVisibleOnPage State" where we're removing all occurrences of formVisibleOnPage being modified by state, there is an issue. In the const handleClick function declaration, the code sample shows that we're effectively removing ... #43
Text: Under the "Updating the formVisibleOnPage State" where we're removing all occurrences of formVisibleOnPage being modified by state, there is an issue. In the const handleClick function declaration, the code sample shows that we're effectively removing ...
Usersnap feedback 5129:
URL: https://full-time.learnhowtoprogram.com/react/react-with-nosql/refactoring-help-queue-to-use-hooks
Text: Under the "Updating the formVisibleOnPage State" where we're removing all occurrences of formVisibleOnPage being modified by state, there is an issue. In the const handleClick function declaration, the code sample shows that we're effectively removing ...
Screenshot: https://resources.usersnap.com/company/e2ef6bfd-aefd-493c-be03-42655e35a11f/datapoint_screenshot/63d001d4-ef15-4924-bf92-50cd897ca7ce-annotated_dede20da-9244-4308-9b4f-c993db943248.png?etag=689a3d573f782f2825929c99485ca95d