epics-base / jca

Java Channel Access client API
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JCA 2.4.7 not connecting when used in BEAST or BEAUTY #71

Closed ralphlange closed 2 years ago

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

Going from JCA 2.4.6 to JCA 2.4.7, we see a strange behavior: when used within BEAST or BEAUTY, the tools will not connect to channels. The logs show unusual things, as if the IOCs would constantly reconnect.

Can you relate that to any recent change in JCA?

For additional verification, I will be creating a 2.4.6 jar with only my echoTimeout changes added.

Here are logs when using JCA 2.4.6 - the good case. Archive engine:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> archive engine log:
Application: archive-engine
Starting the initial (RPM-deployed) instance of archive-engine!
2022-09-13T08:25:22.483Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix pva provided by pva in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:25:22.516Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by ca in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:25:22.517Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by epics in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:25:22.518Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix loc provided by loc in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:25:22.520Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix sim provided by sim in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:25:22.521Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix mqtt provided by mqtt in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:25:22.524Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - Default PV type ca
2022-09-13T08:25:22.528Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Archive Engine
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
2022-09-13T08:25:23.182Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.server.EngineServer (<init>) - Engine HTTP Server on http://localhost:5812/main
2022-09-13T08:25:23.184Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Reading configuration 'demo'
2022-09-13T08:25:24.742Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Read configuration: 3286 channels in 1.553 seconds
2022-09-13T08:25:24.744Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Running, CA addr list: null
2022-09-13T08:25:24.745Z INFO [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.engine.model.WriteThread (run) - WriteThread starts
2022-09-13T08:25:24.797Z WARNING [Thread 1] org.csstudio.diirt.util.core.preferences.DIIRTPreferences (<init>) - The given DIIRT path is whitespace or empty.
2022-09-13T08:25:24.800Z WARNING [Thread 1] org.csstudio.diirt.util.core.preferences.DIIRTPreferences (<init>) - The given DIIRT path doesn't exist [/home/DCS/utzeln/.css/archive-engine-demo/diirt].
2022-09-13T08:25:24.899Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.jca.JCAContext (<init>) - Using Pure Java CAJ
2022-09-13T08:25:25.044Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.jca.JCAContext (<init>) - Channel Access in Java [Java] v1.1.D1
2022-09-13T08:25:25.457Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.epics.pvaccess.client.impl.remote.ClientContextImpl (initializeUDPTransport) - Local multicast enabled on / using lo.
2022-09-13T08:25:25.503Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.pva.PVA_Context (<init>) - PVA Provider pva
2022-09-13T08:25:25.564Z INFO [Thread 63] org.csstudio.archive.engine.scanner.ScanThread (run) - Scan Thread runs
2022-09-13T08:25:26.083Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:26.489Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:27.448Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:28.523Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:28.582Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:31.617Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:39.276Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:25:55.043Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC001-ALRM has undefined state <0>
2022-09-13T08:25:55.050Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC001-DQ has undefined state <0>
2022-09-13T08:25:55.056Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC002-ALRM has undefined state <0>
2022-09-13T08:25:55.073Z WARNING [Thread 52] org.csstudio.archive.engine.ThrottledLogger (log) - CTRL-SUP-BOY:AI1: 268 overruns
2022-09-13T08:25:55.077Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC002-DQ has undefined state <0>
2022-09-13T08:25:55.081Z WARNING [Thread 52] org.csstudio.archive.engine.ThrottledLogger (log) - CTRL-SUP-BOY:AI2: 297 overruns
... More messsages suppressed for 1.00 days ....
2022-09-13T08:26:35.594Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC350-ALRM has undefined state <0>
2022-09-13T08:26:35.609Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC350-CTRLMD has undefined state <0>
2022-09-13T08:26:35.616Z WARNING [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.writer.rdb.EnumMetaDataHelper (insert) - Channel CTRL-SUP-BOY:VC350-DQ has undefined state <0>

Alarm server:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alarm server log:
Starting the initial (RPM-deployed) instance of alarm-server!
2022-09-13T08:27:08.791Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.Application (start) - Alarm Server started for 'demo' configuration
Alarm Server
Configuration Root: demo
Alarm server mode:  NORMAL
Database URL:       jdbc:postgresql://localhost/css_alarm_3_0_0
JMS URL:            failover:(tcp://
JMS Server Topic:   demo_SERVER
JMS Client Topic:   demo_CLIENT
JMS Talk Topic:     demo_TALK
2022-09-13T08:27:08.813Z INFO [Thread 39] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.SeverityPVHandler (run) - Setting heartbeat PV 'CTRL-SUP-CSS:DEMO-ALARM-SERVER-HEARTBEAT' every 10 sec
2022-09-13T08:27:08.835Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix pva provided by pva in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:27:08.841Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by ca in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:27:08.841Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by epics in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:27:08.843Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix loc provided by loc in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:27:08.844Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix sim provided by sim in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:27:08.846Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix mqtt provided by mqtt in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:27:08.849Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - Default PV type ca
2022-09-13T08:27:08.940Z WARNING [Thread 39] org.csstudio.diirt.util.core.preferences.DIIRTPreferences (<init>) - The given DIIRT path is whitespace or empty.
2022-09-13T08:27:08.949Z WARNING [Thread 39] org.csstudio.diirt.util.core.preferences.DIIRTPreferences (<init>) - The given DIIRT path doesn't exist [/home/DCS/utzeln/.css/alarm-server/diirt].
2022-09-13T08:27:09.230Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.jca.JCAContext (<init>) - Using Pure Java CAJ
2022-09-13T08:27:09.423Z CONFIG [Thread 39] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.jca.JCAContext (<init>) - Channel Access in Java [Java] v1.1.D1
2022-09-13T08:27:09.813Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.AlarmPV (setEnablement) - /demo/CTRL/CTRL-SUP/CTRL-SUP-BEAS/CTRL-SUP-BEAS:B01-PSOS enablement: true ['CTRL-SUP-BEAS:B01-PSOS'==1]
2022-09-13T08:27:12.475Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.AlarmPV (start) - Start /demo/CTRL/CTRL-SUP/CTRL-SUP-CSS/CTRL-SUP-CSS:TEMP
2022-09-13T08:27:12.502Z INFO [Thread 41] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:27:13.547Z INFO [Thread 45] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:27:13.596Z INFO [Thread 44] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:27:16.631Z INFO [Thread 41] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:27:24.281Z INFO [Thread 45] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /

The same startup logs, using JCA 2.4.7 - the bad case.

Archive engine:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> archive engine log:
pplication: archive-engine
Starting the initial (RPM-deployed) instance of archive-engine!
2022-09-13T08:12:49.517Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix pva provided by pva in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:12:49.533Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by ca in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:12:49.534Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by epics in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:12:49.535Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix loc provided by loc in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:12:49.536Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix sim provided by sim in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:12:49.537Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix mqtt provided by mqtt in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T08:12:49.541Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - Default PV type ca
2022-09-13T08:12:49.546Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Archive Engine
SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#StaticLoggerBinder for further details.
2022-09-13T08:12:49.955Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.server.EngineServer (<init>) - Engine HTTP Server on http://localhost:5812/main
2022-09-13T08:12:49.955Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Reading configuration 'demo'
2022-09-13T08:12:50.759Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Read configuration: 3286 channels in 0.795 seconds
2022-09-13T08:12:50.760Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.archive.engine.Application (start) - Running, CA addr list: null
2022-09-13T08:12:50.761Z INFO [Thread 49] org.csstudio.archive.engine.model.WriteThread (run) - WriteThread starts
2022-09-13T08:12:50.835Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.jca.JCAContext (<init>) - Using Pure Java CAJ
2022-09-13T08:12:50.880Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.jca.JCAContext (<init>) - Channel Access in Java [Java] v1.1.D1
2022-09-13T08:12:50.989Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.epics.pvaccess.client.impl.remote.ClientContextImpl (initializeUDPTransport) - Local multicast enabled on / using lo.
2022-09-13T08:12:50.996Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.pva.PVA_Context (<init>) - PVA Provider pva
2022-09-13T08:12:51.056Z INFO [Thread 62] org.csstudio.archive.engine.scanner.ScanThread (run) - Scan Thread runs
2022-09-13T08:12:51.553Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:51.956Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:52.775Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.057Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.182Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.207Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.209Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.228Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.238Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.292Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.454Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.501Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.521Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.636Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.802Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.819Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:53.959Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.025Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.049Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.258Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.260Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.338Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.402Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:54.905Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:55.050Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:55.118Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:55.989Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:56.733Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:56.762Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:57.428Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:57.772Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:57.796Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:57.966Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:59.038Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:12:59.410Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:00.047Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:00.158Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:00.635Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:01.055Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:01.157Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.202Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.214Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.268Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.620Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.662Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.773Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:02.789Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:03.058Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:03.412Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:04.304Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:04.697Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:05.427Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:05.540Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T08:13:05.853Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /

2022-09-13T09:01:28.711Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 14998, now 25971
2022-09-13T09:01:28.783Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Fast 'reboot' beacon /, period was 16369, now 81
2022-09-13T09:01:29.458Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:01:31.374Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:01:31.691Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 68, now 172
2022-09-13T09:01:32.013Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Restored network segment beacon /, period was 81, now 319
2022-09-13T09:04:24.880Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 15000, now 35694
2022-09-13T09:04:24.964Z INFO [Thread 51] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Fast 'reboot' beacon /, period was 17586, now 84
2022-09-13T09:04:25.532Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:04:27.387Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:41:53.684Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 14998, now 23372
2022-09-13T09:41:53.762Z INFO [Thread 52] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Fast 'reboot' beacon /, period was 16044, now 78
2022-09-13T09:41:54.307Z INFO [Thread 55] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:41:56.334Z INFO [Thread 54] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /

Alarm server:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alarm server log:
Starting the initial (RPM-deployed) instance of alarm-server!
2022-09-13T06:48:43.371Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.Application (start) - Alarm Server started for 'demo' configuration
Alarm Server
Configuration Root: demo
Alarm server mode:  NORMAL
Database URL:       jdbc:postgresql://localhost/css_alarm_3_0_0
JMS URL:            failover:(tcp://localhost:61616)?randomize=false
JMS Server Topic:   demo_SERVER
JMS Client Topic:   demo_CLIENT
JMS Talk Topic:     demo_TALK
2022-09-13T06:48:43.405Z INFO [Thread 39] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.SeverityPVHandler (run) - Not using any heartbeat PV
2022-09-13T06:48:43.413Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix pva provided by pva in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T06:48:43.418Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by ca in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T06:48:43.418Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix ca provided by epics in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T06:48:43.421Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix loc provided by loc in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T06:48:43.422Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix sim provided by sim in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T06:48:43.435Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - PV prefix mqtt provided by mqtt in org.csstudio.vtype.pv
2022-09-13T06:48:43.438Z CONFIG [Thread 1] org.csstudio.vtype.pv.PVPlugin (start) - Default PV type ca
2022-09-13T06:48:44.259Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.AlarmPV (setEnablement) - /demo/CTRL/CTRL-SUP/CTRL-SUP-BEAS/CTRL-SUP-BEAS:B01-PSOS enablement: true ['CTRL-SUP-BEAS:B01-PSOS'==1]
2022-09-13T06:48:47.302Z INFO [Thread 1] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.AlarmPV (start) - Start /demo/CTRL/CTRL-SUP/CTRL-SUP-CSS/CTRL-SUP-CSS:TEMP
2022-09-13T06:48:47.445Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:47.498Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:47.564Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:47.707Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:47.754Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:47.973Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:48.288Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:48.323Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:49.111Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:49.279Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:49.370Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:49.621Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.080Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.293Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.437Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.530Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.613Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.781Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.831Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.894Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.895Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:50.896Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:51.043Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:51.440Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:51.861Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:51.921Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:52.252Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:52.584Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:52.971Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.030Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.099Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.111Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.142Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.146Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.162Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.196Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.279Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.430Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.497Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.546Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.574Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.656Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.761Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.944Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:53.993Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.013Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.180Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.200Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.255Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.267Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.315Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.586Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.977Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:54.991Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:55.600Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:55.918Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:56.012Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:56.157Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:56.682Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:56.700Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:57.329Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:57.373Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:57.605Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:57.718Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:57.884Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:58.069Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:58.184Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:58.991Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:59.351Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:59.506Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:59.567Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:48:59.962Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:49:00.095Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T06:49:14.910Z INFO [Thread 42] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.AlarmPV (pvConnectionTimeout) - /demo/CTRL/CTRL-SUP/CTRL-SUP-BEAS/CTRL-SUP-BEAS:B01-PSOS connection timed out -> Current: UNDEFINED/No Connection(), 2022-09-13T06:49:14.908Z, Alarm: UNDEFINED/No Connection(), 2022-09-13T06:49:14.908Z
2022-09-13T06:49:15.222Z INFO [Thread 42] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.AlarmPV (pvConnectionTimeout) - /demo/CTRL/CTRL-SUP/CTRL-SUP-BEAS/CTRL-SUP-BEAS:B02-PSOS connection timed out -> Current: UNDEFINED/No Connection(), 2022-09-13T06:49:15.222Z, Alarm: UNDEFINED/No Connection(), 2022-09-13T06:49:15.222Z

2022-09-13T08:36:21.081Z WARNING [Thread 39] org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.SeverityPVHandler (performUpdates) - Cannot set severity PV 'CTRL-SUP-CSS:ALRM-BEAS' to 4
java.lang.Exception: No connection
                at org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.SeverityPVHandler.getConnectedPV(SeverityPVHandler.java:154)
                at org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.SeverityPVHandler.performUpdates(SeverityPVHandler.java:119)
                at org.csstudio.alarm.beast.server.SeverityPVHandler.run(SeverityPVHandler.java:95)
                at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:831)

2022-09-13T09:01:28.705Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 14998, now 25976
2022-09-13T09:01:28.781Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Fast 'reboot' beacon /, period was 16370, now 70
2022-09-13T09:01:29.457Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:01:31.373Z INFO [Thread 48] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:01:31.690Z INFO [Thread 49] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 69, now 171
2022-09-13T09:01:32.014Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Restored network segment beacon /, period was 81, now 324
2022-09-13T09:04:24.888Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 14999, now 35692
2022-09-13T09:04:24.963Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Fast 'reboot' beacon /, period was 17585, now 86
2022-09-13T09:04:25.531Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:04:27.386Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:41:53.685Z INFO [Thread 47] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Delayed beacon /, period was 14998, now 23373
2022-09-13T09:41:53.762Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - Fast 'reboot' beacon /, period was 16044, now 77
2022-09-13T09:41:54.305Z INFO [Thread 46] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
2022-09-13T09:41:56.334Z INFO [Thread 50] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /
ralphlange commented 2 years ago

BOY seems to be able to connect to the same channels fine, on the other hand.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

The logs show unusual things, as if the IOCs would constantly reconnect. 2022-09-13T08:25:26.083Z INFO [Thread 53] com.cosylab.epics.caj.impl.CABeaconHandler (updateBeaconPeriod) - New server beacon /

These are printouts added in #53 In principle, they should simply show what was always happening as the CA client checks received beacons for anomalies.

At the SNS, we experienced problems with CA clients being too sensitive to changes in beacon timing, resulting in bursts of search traffic up to the point where clients would continually search. In #53, we added log messages to show how the client reacts, and related settings that used to be fixed became configurable, but with default values matching the original settings.

So while you can now configure the client to search less often, the fact that you see the log messages should mean that your clients are still searching. Still, you could run caSnooper or wireshark to verify if the clients are still searching, that these are just new informational messages, or to see if there is indeed an unintended side effect which results in these clients not actually searching and thus never getting a search reply, so they never connect.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

I think the beacon-related messages and configuration options are already in 2.4.6. The main changes in 2.4.7 seem to be build settings, some detail of UDP vs TCP port configurability https://github.com/epics-base/jca/commit/288de285942811d6dc37b2366503def8deb448ed and echo timeout setting https://github.com/epics-base/jca/commit/7173c03c5620e842849fedbaced2402e4c49e4b1

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

We're getting a bit closer here...

The test setup that the logs are from is using an arbitrary port for CA, which is configured in the IOCs and the tools (DIIRT for BOY, environment for the others) when the test is run.

The bad case logs show that the tools are connecting to every available IOC on the network on the standard port, but not to the IOCs they should connect to. It seems that setting the port (for the client) through EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT is broken.

Possibly a side effect of merging slominskir/patch-7, i.e. 288de28 ?? We're trying to verify that by reverting that commit from 2.4.7.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

It seems that setting the port (for the client) through EPICS_CA_SERVER_PORT is broken.

That would be a nice explanation and somewhat easy to fix.

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

Nadine is testing a 2.4.7 with Ryan's merge commit reverted.

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

Reverting that merge commit doesn't change anything. Duh.

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

Turns out we're not using env vars for the tools. Both CS-Studio/BOY and the archive/alarm servers are configured through DIIRT properties, which are set using random numbers like:


The test IOCs are getting configured accordingly using env vars. They are reporting the right settings (checked from the iocShell).

shroffk commented 2 years ago

Well, the changes were meant primarily for cas but the BroadcastTransport implementation is used by both the CAJServerContext and the CAJContext so it would have been great if that was the cause.

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

For some reason, updating the jca jar from 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 led to the DIIRT properties/preferences being ignored in case of BEAST/BEAUTY, while the same properties/preferences are still working for BOY.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

The Eclipse-based code juggles several settings which are copied between Eclipse preferences, DIIRT configuration files, java properties and environment settings, one of them being https://github.com/ControlSystemStudio/cs-studio/tree/master/core/diirt/diirt-plugins/org.csstudio.diirt.util.core.preferences. Not sure how changing the JCA jar would influence that, but having say the diirt.util.core.preferences plugin in the GUI yet not in the headless services would explain their different behavior.

ralphlange commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for all your help!!!

It was a false alarm in the end. (Of course...) Buried in the complexity of our systemd startup and control mechanism is a script that gets used for the background daemons (not for CS-Studio/BOY) by the 'regular' start/stop mechanism and by the test procedures. A change in the systemd scripts - done by a different colleague on the same day - dropped the ability to set specific .ini files on the command line, as that feature was not used for regular operation. It was not obvious that the tests would use that and fail to set different ports for the archive engine and the alarm server.

Apologies for the noise.

kasemir commented 2 years ago

I love self-solving issues! Thanks for the update