epics-base / website

Issue tracker for epics-controls Website
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Where are the download files? #23

Closed ralphlange closed 5 years ago

ralphlange commented 5 years ago

I created a new page for EPICS Base 3.15.6 (following the instructions on the web site documentation). Also added the appropriate table rows to the different tables (could be included in the web site doc).

Now I am puzzled about the download files (.tar.gz and signature). All download links to existing releases point to our epics-controls site, but I can't find the files anywhere and I don't know where to upload the files for my new release.

I would expect such content in the media library - but it's not there. The Download page also shows no clue. Please help.

keijokorhonen commented 5 years ago

All the download files are located on the host server and can't be accessed through the wordpress dashboard, but through e.g. ssh. Heinz should be able to help you with this further.

ralphlange commented 5 years ago

Ok, thanks a lot, that explains a few things.... ;-) @hjunkes, may I get ssh access, please?!

hjunkes commented 5 years ago

Ok there is now also an account for ralph on that system

ralphlange commented 5 years ago

Thank you! Closing the issue.