epics-containers / ibek

IOC Builder for EPICS and Kubernetes
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Add semver comparrison #201

Closed marcelldls closed 3 months ago

marcelldls commented 3 months ago

Thoughts @gilesknap?

marcelldls commented 3 months ago


(.venv) [esq51579@pc0146 ibek]$ ibek version below 2.2.1 && echo Continue
SUCCESS: IBEK 2.0.2.dev0+g928f52e2.d20240402 less than 2.2.1
(.venv) [esq51579@pc0146 ibek]$ ibek version above 2.2.1 && echo Continue
╭─────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────────╮
│ /home/esq51579/WIP/pr/ibek/src/ibek/version_cmds/commands.py:40 in above                         │
│                                                                                                  │
│   37 │   if Version.coerce(__version__) > Version.coerce(in_ver):                                │
│   38 │   │   print(f"SUCCESS: IBEK {__version__} greater than {in_ver}")                         │
│   39 │   else:                                                                                   │
│ ❱ 40 │   │   raise Exception(f"IBEK {__version__} not greater than {in_ver}")                    │
│   41                                                                                             │
│   42                                                                                             │
│   43 @version_cli.command()                                                                      │
│                                                                                                  │
│ ╭───── locals ─────╮                                                                             │
│ │ in_ver = '2.2.1' │                                                                             │
│ ╰──────────────────╯                                                                             │
Exception: IBEK 2.0.2.dev0+g928f52e2.d20240402 not greater than 2.2.1
marcelldls commented 3 months ago

Hows something like:

(.venv) [esq51579@pc0146 ibek]$ if ibek compare 1.1.1 "<" 1.1.2; then echo continue; fi
(.venv) [esq51579@pc0146 ibek]$ if ibek compare 1.1.1 ">" 1.1.2; then echo continue; fi
GDYendell commented 3 months ago

Have you considered copying pip's requirements specifier syntax rather than "below", "above", etc.?


You could have a command that takes a package and a specifier that covers all cases, e.g. ibek ... $BASE >=7.0.8 or ibek ... $BASE <7.0.8

I think checking ibek itself might be better as a separate command.

marcelldls commented 3 months ago

Have you considered copying pip's requirements specifier syntax rather than "below", "above", etc.?


You could have a command that takes a package and a specifier that covers all cases, e.g. ibek ... $BASE >=7.0.8 or ibek ... $BASE <7.0.8

I think checking ibek itself might be better as a separate command.

Thanks @GDYendell. Was just to get something simple out quickly to discuss really.

Your proposal makes sense. Because of "Use quotes around specifiers in the shell when using >, <, or when using environment markers" I believe your proposal would actually be ibek ... $BASE ">=7.0.8". But fine with that @gilesknap

Agree "checking ibek itself might be better as a separate command"

marcelldls commented 3 months ago

@gilesknap Thoughts? Usage

(.venv) [esq51579@pc0146 ibek]$ if ibek compare "1.1.3" ">1.1.2"; then echo continue; fi
(.venv) [esq51579@pc0146 ibek]$ if ibek compare "1.1.3" "<1.1.2"; then echo continue; fi
gilesknap commented 3 months ago

Yes very happy with that - now the question is how to do ibek itself. One way would be:

if ibek compare $(ibek --version) ">2.0.0"; then echo continue; fi

Too ugly? @GDYendell?

gilesknap commented 3 months ago

BTW I assume with this syntax you will support >= >= == too ?

Or maybe all of these ? https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/requirement-specifiers/#examples

marcelldls commented 3 months ago

BTW I assume with this syntax you will support >= >= == too ?

Or maybe all of these ? https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/requirement-specifiers/#examples

Right now I have https://github.com/epics-containers/ibek/blob/db28c9e2b4a6bab38d6171ed4868da3d8adba138/src/ibek/commands.py#L10-L16

GDYendell commented 3 months ago

if ibek compare $(ibek --version) ">2.0.0"; then echo continue; fi

Too ugly? @GDYendell?

I think this is OK. I like it more than ibek compare implicitly checking ibek if you only give it the version specifier.

gilesknap commented 3 months ago

Like it !