epics-containers / ibek

IOC Builder for EPICS and Kubernetes
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builder2ibek.support fixes for tetramm #209

Closed gilesknap closed 2 months ago

gilesknap commented 2 months ago

Add some changes to make the tetramm support module work with builder2ibek.support

For the tetram there are template subsitutions generated by XML with no indication of the type. The following command overrides a couple of fields that are supposed to be integers:

./builder2ibek.support.py /dls_sw/prod/R3.14.12.7/support/quadEM/9-4dls1  ../quadEM.ibek.support.yaml  -o'21:2 25:100'

@JamesOHeaDLS if you try out the above command it should generate you some yaml. Note that the yaml will need a look over manually and there are a couple of TODOs marked in it where the code could not find some of the macros. I also note that there are some empty 'database' sections which may just need deleting.

You may find it instructive to try without the -o substitutions - you will see that the errors you get make it reasonably clear what sort of overrides are needed.

You should treat this yaml as a first pass to get you started . This tool will never be able to do the full job for any complexity of builder.py. On the other hand the goal for the builder xml -> ioc.yaml is to be perfect and that is the one that will get run many times for every instance of an IOC (it is also fully customizable on a per support module basis).