This updates the luaEpics files to allow users to register a lua module within code that will be statically linked into the final application.
The function luaRegisterLibrary takes in a name for the library and a function with the signature: int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);
When the lua shell is run, all functions currently registered are run. If those functions push a value onto the stack, the top value is given the name of the library. So, using lua's newlib function, you can bind functions like so:
This updates the luaEpics files to allow users to register a lua module within code that will be statically linked into the final application.
The function luaRegisterLibrary takes in a name for the library and a function with the signature:
int (*lua_CFunction) (lua_State *L);
When the lua shell is run, all functions currently registered are run. If those functions push a value onto the stack, the top value is given the name of the library. So, using lua's newlib function, you can bind functions like so:
Then, if you later run the luaRegisterLibrary function:
luaRegisterLibrary("foo", luaopen_foo);
you'll be able to run within the lua shell and it will return the value "Hello, World".
Recommended use of the luaRegisterLibrary function is to add it into a dbd registrar function like so:
Then, the libraries will automatically register when you load the IOC's dbd file.