epics-modules / motor

APS BCDA synApps module: motor
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motor/configure/RELEASE problem on Windows #149

Closed MarkRivers closed 4 years ago

MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

motor/configure/RELEASE does not work correctly building Windows in same tree as Linux

I believe these lines are intended to support that:

# These lines allow developers to override these RELEASE settings
# without having to modify this file directly.
-include $(or $(MOTOR),$(TOP))/../RELEASE.local
-include $(or $(MOTOR),$(TOP))/../RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local
-include $(or $(MOTOR),$(TOP))/configure/RELEASE.local

However, they don't work. I have a file synApps/support/RELEASE.windows-x64-static.local that defines SUPPORT and EPICS_BASE using Windows syntax. That file is clearly not being read when I build for Windows in modules/motorOms, for example.

It does work if I replace the lines above with the standard lines used in all other modules:

-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.local
-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local
-include $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local

What is the $(or $(MOTOR),$(TOP)) syntax trying to accomplish, and why isn't it working?

kmpeters commented 4 years ago

What is the $(or $(MOTOR),$(TOP)) syntax trying to accomplish, and why isn't it working?

They fix a recursive loop when building motor drivers outside of the motor module: https://github.com/epics-modules/motor/commit/ef56405411df6d032a7a9d313a9cab8f5425e0f1

kmpeters commented 4 years ago

However, they don't work. I have a file synApps/support/RELEASE.windows-x64-static.local that defines SUPPORT and EPICS_BASE using Windows syntax. That file is clearly not being read when I build for Windows in modules/motorOms, for example.

What are the contents of motor/modules/RELEASE.windows-x64-static?

MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

What are the contents of motor/modules/RELEASE.windows-x64-static?

That file does not exist. But the entire build was successful on this arch once I changed the RELEASE file as shown.

MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

Sorry, that file did exist and contains this:

corvette:~/devel/motor/modules>more RELEASE.windows-x64-static.local
MOTOR = J:/epics/devel/motor
ASYN = J:/epics/devel/asyn-4-37
SNCSEQ = J:/epics/devel/seq-2-2-5
BUSY = J:/epics/devel/busy-1-7-2
IPAC = J:/epics/devel/ipac-2-15
EPICS_BASE = H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3

Here is the error if I use the master branch of motor. I did

make -sj realclean realuninstall

on windows-x64-static. I get this error:

make[4]: Entering directory 'J:/epics/devel/motor/modules/motorOms/configure/O.windows-x64-static'
perl -CSD H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3/bin/windows-x64-static/convertRelease.pl checkRelease

Definition of IPAC conflicts with MOTOR support.
In this application or module, a RELEASE file
conflicts with MOTOR at J:/epics/devel/motor
  Here: IPAC = J:/epics/devel/ipac-2-15
  MOTOR: IPAC = /corvette/home/epics/devel/ipac-2-15
Definition of EPICS_BASE conflicts with MOTOR support.
In this application or module, a RELEASE file
conflicts with MOTOR at J:/epics/devel/motor
  Here: EPICS_BASE = H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3
  MOTOR: EPICS_BASE = /corvette/usr/local/epics-devel/base-7.0.3
Definition of BUSY conflicts with MOTOR support.
In this application or module, a RELEASE file
conflicts with MOTOR at J:/epics/devel/motor
  Here: BUSY = J:/epics/devel/busy-1-7-2
  MOTOR: BUSY = /corvette/home/epics/devel/busy-1-7-2
Definition of ASYN conflicts with MOTOR support.
In this application or module, a RELEASE file
conflicts with MOTOR at J:/epics/devel/motor
  Here: ASYN = J:/epics/devel/asyn-4-37
  MOTOR: ASYN = /corvette/home/epics/devel/asyn-4-37
Definition of SNCSEQ conflicts with MOTOR support.
In this application or module, a RELEASE file
conflicts with MOTOR at J:/epics/devel/motor
  Here: SNCSEQ = J:/epics/devel/seq-2-2-5
  MOTOR: SNCSEQ = /corvette/home/epics/devel/seq-2-2-5

make[4]: *** [H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3/configure/RULES_BUILD:191: checkRelease] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory 'J:/epics/devel/motor/modules/motorOms/configure/O.windows-x64-static'
make[3]: *** [H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3/configure/RULES_ARCHS:58: install.windows-x64-static] Error 2
make[3]: Leaving directory 'J:/epics/devel/motor/modules/motorOms/configure'
make[2]: *** [H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3/configure/RULES_DIRS:84: configure.install] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory 'J:/epics/devel/motor/modules/motorOms'
make[1]: *** [H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3/configure/RULES_DIRS:84: motorOms.install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory 'J:/epics/devel/motor/modules'
make: *** [H:/epics-devel/base-7.0.3/configure/RULES_DIRS:84: modules.install] Error 2

However, if I change the motor/configure/RELEASE to use the standard syntax for the top-level includes it works fine.

MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

The error when I use master indicates that when check_release runs in motor/ it is not correctly including $(TOP)/../RELEASE.windows-x64-static.local.

When I use the modified version of motor/configure/RELEASE it does include that file correctly.

kmpeters commented 4 years ago

That is a checkRelease error that can be avoided by setting CHECK_RELEASE = WARN in motor's CONFIG_SITE.local

The check release script isn't smart enough to handle the statements at the end of motor's RELEASE file.

MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

The check release script isn't smart enough to handle the statements at the end of motor's RELEASE file.

That is not true. If I replace those lines with the standard ones then check release correctly reads the file in $(TOP)/../RELEASE.windows-x64-static.local. If it did not I would receive a check release error with that version of RELEASE and I do not.

I don’t want to disable check release, that is a kludge that invites errors later.

Please explain what that (or ...) syntax in RELEASE is supposed to do. It does not seem to be working correctly.

MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

I build all of the rest of synApps and areaDetector using the standard RELEASE file syntax that includes $(TOP)/../RELEASE.windows-x64-static.local with no check release errors. Only motor is giving them, and those go away if I replace the last 3 lines with the “standard” syntax.

kmpeters commented 4 years ago

Please explain what that (or ...) syntax in RELEASE is supposed to do. It does not seem to be working correctly.

If you build motor without any of the driver submodules, using a RELEASE file with these statements:

-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.local
-include $(TOP)/../RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local
-include $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local

And then you try to build a driver module outside of the motor tree, using the driver modules's EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local, the driver module will fail to build. There will be many warnings about recursive loops:

make -C O.linux-x86_64 -f ../Makefile TOP=../.. \
    T_A=linux-x86_64 install
Release.pm: Recursive loop found in RELEASE files,
discovered in ../../configure/RELEASE.local
make[2]: Entering directory `/net/s100dserv/xorApps/epics/motor-devel/issue149/motorOms/configure/O.linux-x86_64'
perl -CSD /APSshare/epics/base-3.15.6/bin/linux-x86_64/convertRelease.pl checkRelease
Release.pm: Recursive loop found in RELEASE files,
discovered in /net/s100dserv/xorApps/epics/motor-devel/issue149/motorOms/configure/RELEASE.local
make[2]: [warnRelease] Error 2 (ignored)
make[2]: Leaving directory `/net/s100dserv/xorApps/epics/motor-devel/issue149/motorOms/configure/O.linux-x86_64'

And the build will ultimately fail with an error like this:

make[3]: *** No rule to make target `../../../lib/linux-x86_64/libmotor.a', needed by `liboms.a'.  Stop.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/net/s100dserv/xorApps/epics/motor-devel/issue149/motorOms/omsApp/src/O.linux-x86_64'
make[2]: *** [install.linux-x86_64] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/net/s100dserv/xorApps/epics/motor-devel/issue149/motorOms/omsApp/src'
make[1]: *** [src.install] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/net/s100dserv/xorApps/epics/motor-devel/issue149/motorOms/omsApp'
make: *** [omsApp.install] Error 2


  1. motorOms/configure/EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local includes $(MOTOR)/configure/RELEASE
  2. motor/configure/RELEASE" includes $(TOP)/configure/RELEASE.local
  3. But TOP is motorOms in this case, NOT motor
MarkRivers commented 4 years ago

If I am building in the distributed configuration with all modules in the tree then should motor/configure/RELEASE be including synApps/support/RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local? It does not do so when check release is run building the submodules, but it does if I use the standard syntax.

It seems that work is needed to make it work in both situations.

kmpeters commented 4 years ago

I think I can resolve this issue without breaking builds of external drivers by replacing this line in every driver's EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local:

$ git diff
diff --git a/configure/EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local b/configure/EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local
index 4012509..2709d1a 100644
--- a/configure/EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local
+++ b/configure/EXAMPLE_RELEASE.local
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--include $(MOTOR)/configure/RELEASE
+-include $(MOTOR)/modules/RELEASE.$(EPICS_HOST_ARCH).local
 # path to motorOms is needed to build the IOC inside motorOms, but outside motor

And then reverting the change in commit https://github.com/epics-modules/motor/commit/ef56405411df6d032a7a9d313a9cab8f5425e0f1