epics-modules / mrfioc2

EPICS driver for Micro Research Finland event timing system devices
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Pulse generation problem on version 2.6.0 onwards on EVR evr-mtca-300u.uv? #147

Closed amichelotti closed 2 months ago

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

Hello, I started having problem on pulse generation since my last update. I was on version 2.3.0., I tried to align to latest version but no way to output on FP0,0.. pulser0,1... on my EVR mtca 300U. I use in th evr-mtca-300u.uv.db in the ioc configuration and as OPI I use the evr/evr-mtca-300u.bob. The events are correctly received (counters increments) but sinze version 2.6.0 I cannot see the pulser on the FP output. The same configuration works till version with tag 2.5.0. I saw lots of changes between 2.5.0 and 2.6.0, maybe I missed something ?

jerzyjamroz commented 2 months ago

Did you try this property: OutFP0SrcPulse-SP ?

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

yes of course. I set to Pulser0. And the pulser is correctly set with a width and delay, the corresponding event counter (in the expert panel) is correctly incrementing. I did the same procedure with version <=2.5.0 (works), 2.6.x (no)

Insomnia1437 commented 2 months ago

Hi Andrea!

Could you check the value of these PVs?


Also, are there any error messages from the iocsh?

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

I found something weird if you do (master): grep SrcGate evrMrmApp/opi/ grep SrcGate opi/bob/evr/ <<<- here a match I'm using that one

Which opi should I use for EVR?

Insomnia1437 commented 2 months ago

The latter one is generated from this PR #132 recently My recommendation is to use that one, but it also contains a few minor problem, you may also need to change some PV names to match the db file.

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

Hi all, now I reverted to master to show what happens with snapshots. I'm using the bob/evr/evr-mtca-300u.bob. I attach snapshots of the trials with values. With this version seems not working just Pulser output. Force high/low and prescaler work fine. iocsh shows these warnings every few seconds :

TS out of bounds 662230f0 3b9ba936 oflow 57142 evrMrmTimeNSOverflowThreshold 0 diff 57142 TS out of bounds 662230f5 3b9acc98 oflow 664 evrMrmTimeNSOverflowThreshold 0 diff 664 TS out of bounds 662230f5 3b9acc98 oflow 664 evrMrmTimeNSOverflowThreshold 0 diff 664 TS out of bounds 662230fb 3b9c521b oflow 100379 evrMrmTimeNSOverflowThreshold 0 diff 100379 TS out of bounds 662230fb 3b9c521b oflow 100379 evrMrmTimeNSOverflowThreshold 0 diff 100379

PVSettings EventRunningExpertView EventRunningExpertView SettingsfromPanel oscilloscope
Insomnia1437 commented 2 months ago

Hi Andrea! That is quite strange. But I failed to reproduce your problem. Here is my configuration:

image image

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

Hi !! thank you very much for your support! The version seems more or less aligned (you have 207.e I have 207.11) and also the setup. However respect your clean green panels I've something in alarm (I attach the screenshot). And the time is flipping between synchronized and not synchronized (that produces also logs in the ioc). I was thinking the problem is something more tricky. In my setup Generator and receivever are on the same utca controller (1 generator and 2 evr) and are connected through a fiber of 5m long. Since the difference are in Delay compensation and on the logs on the ioc I wouldn't want it to be 'time problem' normally hard to debug. And it could also explain why in the 2.5.0 apparently I don't have this issue on the pulser output. What do you think could be the cause of this difference (and also these alarms)?

Insomnia1437 commented 2 months ago

Actually my firmware version, 207.e (released in 2019) is older than yours, 207.11 (released in 2021). So I think your firmware should be OK.

For Delay compensation error, if you are using EVG with DC feature, you should try to set $(P)Enable-Sel to Ena Master. See https://github.com/epics-modules/mrfioc2/blob/a45897e303bf57a256467a713d21c937ee702341/evgMrmApp/Db/evgMrm.db#L1-L15

The invalid time may caused by several reasons, check here: https://github.com/epics-modules/mrfioc2/blob/a45897e303bf57a256467a713d21c937ee702341/evrApp/Db/evrbase.db#L315-L335

If you haven't set PPS, you can set $(P)PpsInp-Sel ($(P)1ppsInp-Sel before 2.6.1 ) to Sys Clk

# Use internal Pps
dbpf "$(P)PpsInp-Sel" "Sys Clk"
# Synchronize EVG time to system time
dbpf "$(P)SyncTimestamp-Cmd" "1"

# Set EVM as EVG
dbpf "$(P)Enable-Sel" "Ena Master"

Personally I don't believe these alarms affects the pulser. If the EVR receives the event code and maps that code to a pulser, then the pulser should be triggered. I am sorry but currently I have no idea why it doesn't work.

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I followed your instructions but the periodic timing disconnections are still there. Where can I see the changes between firmware 207.e and 207.11? However I would like to know if I didn't miss something in the ioc/driver/configuration of the releases 1.6.x: ioc:


## Register all support components
dbLoadRecords("../../db/evr-mtca-300u.uv.db","P=__IOC_PREFIX__:evr:, EVR=EVR0")
dbLoadRecords("../../db/evr-mtca-300u.uv.db","P=__IOC_PREFIX__:evr1:, EVR=EVR1")
dbLoadRecords("../../db/evm-mtca-300.uv.db","P=__IOC_PREFIX__:evg:, EVG=EVG")

Kernel module:
from mrmShared
mrf                    18421  3 
uio                    19338  7 mrf
parport                46395  3 mrf,ppdev,parport_pc

Thanks a lot again.

Insomnia1437 commented 2 months ago

Here is FW version change log. If you want to know the details of FW change, you need to contact the MRF company http://www.mrf.fi/index.php/topcontact

Based on the code you provided, I don't see any obvious issues.

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

Hi all, I'm trying to debug deeper and deeper. Now I found something strange looking the start the iocs logs that for my fault where congestioned of prints and I did't catched that it gives a warning for the minimum FW version even if in the OPI we see an acceptable version :

Notice: devPCIFindSpec() expect B:D.F in hex
Device EVR0  6:0.0 slot=3
Using IRQ 151
Config for EVR FP UNIV model (mTCA-EVR-300U).
FWVersion 0x18110207
Found version 519
Sequencer capability detected
mTCA:  Model mTCA-EVR-300U Pul 24 PS 8 OFP 4 OFPUNIV 4 ORB 10 OBack 8 OFPDly 2 CML 2 Kind 0 IFP 32
EVR FIFO task start
Enabling interrupts
Device EVR1  e:0.0 slot=1
Using IRQ 153
Config for EVR FP UNIV model (mTCA-EVR-300U).
FWVersion 0x18140207
Found version 519
Sequencer capability detected
mTCA:  Model mTCA-EVR-300U Pul 24 PS 8 OFP 4 OFPUNIV 4 ORB 10 OBack 8 OFPDly 2 CML 2 Kind 0 IFP 32
EVR FIFO task start
Enabling interrupts
Device EVG  c:0.0
Using IRQ 152
FPGA version: 280e0207
mTCA-EVM-300 #Inputs FP:3 UV:16 RB:0
EVM automatically creating 'EVG:FCT', 'EVG:EVRD', and 'EVG:EVRU'
Warning: Recommended minimum firmware 2 version is 207.6, found 207.0
Found SFP Strangeness 00000000
Sequencer capability detected
VME 64:  Model mTCA-EVM-300 (EVRD) Pul 16 PS 3 OFP 8 OFPUNIV 0 ORB 0 OBack 0 OFPDly 0 CML 0 Kind 1 IFP 8
EVR FIFO task start
Warning: Recommended minimum firmware 2 version is 207.6, found 207.0
Found SFP Strangeness 00000000
Sequencer capability detected
VME 64:  Model mTCA-EVM-300 (EVRU) Pul 16 PS 3 OFP 8 OFPUNIV 0 ORB 0 OBack 0 OFPDly 0 CML 0 Kind 1 IFP 8
EVR FIFO task start
PCI interrupt connected!

Can be the problem? in this case can you point me on how to update the FW?

Insomnia1437 commented 2 months ago

This warning is generated from the embedded EVRs (for mrfioc2, their names are EVRU and EVRD) inside EVM, not the normal EVR. The OPI shows the FW version of the normal EVR.

You can read this if you are interested in the embedded EVRs https://indico.cern.ch/event/766611/sessions/305379/attachments/1855185/3046845/MRF.TimingWS.A.pdf

If you want to update the FW, you can use flashwrite command, the function is defined here e.g., flashwrite("EVR0:FLASH", 0, "mTCA-EVR-300DC.207.6.bit")

amichelotti commented 2 months ago

Hi! at last my main issue disappeared. I restarted from a fresh repo (), I updated: epics-R7.0.7 -> epics-R7.0.8 devlib2 2.11 -> 2.12

I would to thank you very much for your support!!, that convinced me that something was wrong on my side. I'm still curious to understand what went wrong in my previous setup, but I've not time at all.