epicweb-dev / epic-stack

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Client Hints nonce hydration error #775

Closed marcob896 closed 2 months ago

marcob896 commented 2 months ago

Hi, after several hours of debugging to find the root cause after getting a React 418 error on production (fly.io), I managed to deploy on fly the dev server so the error is not minified: I finally found that ClientHintsCheck nonce prop is causing it.

How can I solve it?

This is my client-hints.tsx:

 * This file contains utilities for using client hints for user preference which
 * are needed by the server, but are only known by the browser.
import { getHintUtils } from '@epic-web/client-hints';
import {
    clientHint as colorSchemeHint,
} from '@epic-web/client-hints/color-scheme';
import { clientHint as timeZoneHint } from '@epic-web/client-hints/time-zone';
import { useRevalidator } from '@remix-run/react';
import * as React from 'react';
import { useRequestInfo } from '@/utils/request-info';

const hintsUtils = getHintUtils({
    theme: colorSchemeHint,
    timeZone: timeZoneHint,
    // add other hints here

export const { getHints } = hintsUtils;

 * @returns an object with the client hints and their values
export function useHints() {
    const requestInfo = useRequestInfo();
    return requestInfo.hints;

 * @returns inline script element that checks for client hints and sets cookies
 * if they are not set then reloads the page if any cookie was set to an
 * inaccurate value.
export function ClientHintCheck({ nonce }: { nonce: string }) {
    const { revalidate } = useRevalidator();
        () => subscribeToSchemeChange(() => revalidate()),

    return (
                __html: hintsUtils.getClientHintCheckScript(),


import * as React from 'react'

export const NonceContext = React.createContext<string>('')
export const NonceProvider = NonceContext.Provider
export const useNonce = () => React.useContext(NonceContext)

implemented in root.tsx:

import { useNonce } from '@/utils/nonce-provider';
export default function App() {
    const nonce = useNonce();

    return (
            className={theme === 'light' ? 'light' : 'dark'}
                <ClientHintCheck nonce={nonce} />
                {/* .... */}

If I comment out the nonce prop on the script, I get hydration error on the dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop.... I've been fighting with this sincetwo days now and can't get my head around it..

kentcdodds commented 2 months ago

What does your entry.server.ts and server/index.ts file look like? Those are where the nonce is generated