Closed kentcdodds closed 1 year ago
i look into it tomorrow
I see this on windows.... no +
Yeah, that whitelist should be adjusted to allow for +
as it's an important part of our convention.
I think the issue is in '@kentcdodds/md-temp'
\`\`\`jsx filename=app/routes/users+/$username_+/notes.$noteId_.edit.tsx
console.log('hello world')
look like this after remarkCodeBlocksShiki
hellow !!! it's after midnight
It may be an issue in both.
We can circle back on this later :)
It may be an issue in both.
the output from codefile-mdx.server.ts
don't have this issue.
it may also be some of the other plugins that runs after it
fix this in '@kentcdodds/md-temp'
const { preNode, codeString, language, meta } = nodeStuff;
let metaParams = new URLSearchParams();
if (meta) {
- metaParams = new URLSearchParams(meta.split(/\s+/).join("&"));
+ const encodedMeta = meta.split(/\s+/).map(component => {
+ const [key, value] = component.split('=');
+ return `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`;
+ }).join('&');
+ metaParams = new URLSearchParams(encodedMeta);
or add this to compile-mdx.server.ts
+interface CodeNode extends Element {
+ data?: {
+ meta?: string
+ }
+function rehypeEncodeMeta() {
+ return (tree: HastRoot) => {
+ visit(tree, { type: 'element', tagName: 'pre' }, node => {
+ const codeNode = node.children[0] as CodeNode
+ if (codeNode?.type !== 'element') return
+ if (codeNode.tagName !== 'code') return
+ if (typeof !== 'string') return
+ const meta =
+ const encodedMeta = meta
+ .split(/\s+/)
+ .map(component => {
+ const [key, value] = component.split('=')
+ return `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`
+ })
+ .join('&')
+ = encodedMeta
+ })
+ }
const rehypePlugins: PluggableList = [
+ rehypeEncodeMeta,
I just pushed v4 to @kentcdodds/md-temp
user may call remarkCodeBlocksShiki with meta already encoded see #106
option 1
if (meta) {
const encodedMeta =
decodeURIComponent(meta) !== meta
? meta.split(/\s+/).join('&')
: meta
.map((component) => {
const [key, value] = component.split('=');
return `${key}=${value ? encodeURIComponent(value) : ''}`;
metaParams = new URLSearchParams(encodedMeta);
option 2
if (meta) {
const encodedMeta = meta
.map((component) => {
const [key, value] = component.split('=');
return `${key}=${value ? encodeURIComponent(decodeURIComponent(value)) : ''}`;
metaParams = new URLSearchParams(encodedMeta);
option 3: user should not use encoded meta
I published 4.0.2 with option 1 👍 Thanks!
I noticed the
gets stripped or something: some reason clicking the "OPEN in solution" button here creates a file at
exercises/05.complex-structures/03.solution.add-remove/app/routes/users /$username_ /notes.$noteId_.edit.tsx