epicweb-dev / react-fundamentals

Material for my React Fundamentals Workshop
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Editor not opening #403

Closed BickelLukas closed 1 month ago

BickelLukas commented 1 month ago


I'm guessing the problem is spaces in the path. VsCode is installed at C:\Users\lukas.bickel\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe

kentcdodds commented 1 month ago

Did you try to customize the path in a .env file like this? https://www.epicreact.dev/get-started#troubleshooting-workshop-file-links

If so, make sure you keep the quotes around.

BickelLukas commented 1 month ago

With the env file it works so ill close this issue. But shouldn't it work with spaces in the path by default in windows?

kentcdodds commented 1 month ago

It seems to for most people. Hard to debug everyone's machines so the workaround is the best I can do when it doesn't work for the few.