epidrome / cover-card

:necktie: Online business card with a minimal landing page theme for any social media or online presence account: fork, edit, and go!
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Making email link work via web form services #14

Closed bungabunga closed 5 years ago

bungabunga commented 5 years ago

I'd like to make the email link on cover-card jekyll theme work not via direct email adress but via some web form (like Kontactr) to stay more anonymous and to better protect myself from spam. This is currently only possible via trick; setting the Kontactr adress as my blog, but then the icon isn't right (see: https://bungabunga.github.io/bungabunga/). Could you possibly enable this option (email icon and custom url field)?


epidrome commented 5 years ago

thank you for this idea!

my understanding is that you want an envelope icon and a custom link to an email form service

if the above is correct, then you can you use the custom social media option of the theme and you only need to make local changes at your repository

here is how i used it on my personal card to add a custom link: https://github.com/epidrome/home/blob/master/_includes/too_social.html https://github.com/epidrome/home/blob/master/_config.yml

here is a selection of envelope icons: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&q=envelope

bungabunga commented 5 years ago

thanks for the tip! with some guessing and trying i managed to do just what i wanted.

bungabunga commented 5 years ago

hi, after updating my fork of cover-card the envelope icon suddenly dissapeared. was it something in the recent commits to cover-card that it doesn't work as it used to?

the code under ...master/_includes/too_social.html was `{% if site.emailform %}

  • Email
  • {% endif %}`

    and then under gh-pages/_config.yml: # Online profiles emailform: 'https://kontactr.com/user/xxxx

    epidrome commented 5 years ago

    if it is a problem with the cover-card theme, then you can always point your copy to a previous commit of the theme, in order to do so just follow the instructions at the 'Update' section: https://github.com/epidrome/cover-card

    it sounds more like a problem with font-awesome, usually an icon is gone missing if it is not specified correctly,

    please note that the FA icons are being updated all the time and that cover-card is linked to a particular version of FA and not the latest one: https://github.com/epidrome/cover-card/blob/master/_includes/head.html

    bungabunga commented 5 years ago

    thanks for your kind advices! will examine.