epiforecasts / covidregionaldata

An interface to subnational and national level COVID-19 data. For all countries supported, this includes a daily time-series of cases. Wherever available we also provide data on deaths, hospitalisations, and tests. National level data is also supported using a range of data sources as well as linelist data and links to intervention data sets.
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Refactor Vietnam cleaning code and change string conversion function - fixes #447 #448

Closed RichardMN closed 2 years ago

RichardMN commented 2 years ago

This aims to be a relatively simple drop-in fix which tightens the Vietnam cleaning code slightly and changes the functions used for cleaning.

I think @Bisaloo changed to using stringr forms but for some reason these now crash and the stringi versions don't. I don't know if the change has broken an invisible dependency between or within these two and haven't looked closely.

kathsherratt commented 2 years ago

Looks really good. Just noting that the source at https://covid19.ncsc.gov.vn appears to be down, so can't get data to check this PR at the moment - hopefully not a permanent issue ...