epiforecasts / scoringutils

Utilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions
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Create a vignette that explains scoring rules #758

Open nikosbosse opened 7 months ago

nikosbosse commented 7 months ago

The old scoringutils paper had two relevant bits of information that the current paper doesn't have anymore:

  1. An explanation of each scoring rule in the package (stored in the objects mentioned in #757)
  2. Some practical guidance on when to use which scoring rule and what differences between the two may be.

This is currently missing from the package, and it would be good to reintroduce something like that again. This could be one or two vignettes.

This is a vignette stud based on the old paper:

title: "Choosing a scoring rule"
author: "Nikos Bosse"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Choosing a scoring rule}

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE,
                      fig.width = 7,
                      collapse = TRUE,
                      comment = "#>")

By convention, scoring rules are usually negatively oriented (such that the score can be thought of as a penalty), meaning that lower scores are better. This is the case for all scoring rules implemented in \pkg{scoringutils}. A scoring rule is proper if the ideal forecaster (i.e., one using the data-generating distribution) receives the lowest score in expectation. The scoring rule is called strictly proper, if its optimum is unique. This ensures that a forecaster evaluated by a strictly proper scoring rule is always incentivised to state their best estimate.

Assessing sharpness

Sharpness is the ability to produce narrow forecasts. In contrast to calibration it does not depend on the actual observations and is a quality of the forecast only \citep{gneitingProbabilisticForecastsCalibration2007}. Sharpness is therefore only useful subject to calibration, as exemplified in Figure \ref{fig:forecast-paradigm}. For forecasts provided as samples from the predictive distribution, \pkg{scoringutils} calculates dispersion (the inverse of sharpness) as the normalised median absolute deviation (MAD), following \cite{funkAssessingPerformanceRealtime2019} (for details see Table \ref{tab:metrics-summary}). For quantile forecasts, we instead report the dispersion component of the weighted interval score (see details in Section \ref{wis} and \ref{tab:score-table-detailed}) which corresponds to a weighted average of the individual interval widths.

Trade-offs between different forecasting formats

The \pkg{scoringutils} package focuses on probabilistic forecasts, and specifically on forecasts that are represented through either predictive samples or through quantiles of the predictive distributions, making it possible to evaluate arbitrary forecasts even if a closed form (i.e., parametric) distribution is not available. A variety of parametric distributions can be scored directly using \pkg{scoringRules}, but this is not yet supported in \pkg{scoringutils}.

Predictive samples offer a lot of flexibility. However, the number of samples necessary to store in order to represent the predictive distribution satisfactorily may be high. This loss of precision is usually especially pronounced in the tails of the predictive distribution. For that reason, often quantiles or central prediction intervals are reported instead. One recent example of this are the COVID-19 Forecast Hubs \citep{cramerCOVID19ForecastHub2020, cramerEvaluationIndividualEnsemble2021, bracherShorttermForecastingCOVID192021, bracherNationalSubnationalShortterm2021, europeancovid-19forecasthubEuropeanCovid19Forecast2021}.

scoringutils has the following forecast types:

Point forecasts

Binary forecasts

Proper scoring rules for binary outcomes (BS and log score)

Binary forecasts can be scored using the Brier score (BS) or the log score. The Brier score \citep{brierVERIFICATIONFORECASTSEXPRESSED1950} corresponds to the squared difference between the given probability and the outcome (either 0 or 1) and equals the ranked probability score for the case of only two possible outcomes \citep{epsteinScoringSystemProbability1969, murphyNoteRankedProbability1971a}. The log score corresponds to the log of the probability assigned to the observed outcome. Just as with continuous forecasts, the log score penalises overconfidence much more harshly than underconfidence. The Brier score, on the other hand, penalises over- and underconfidence similarly \citep{macheteContrastingProbabilisticScoring2012} and is more forgiving of outlier predictions.

Sample-based forecasts

Proper scoring rules for sample-based forecasts (CRPS, log score and DSS)

For forecasts in a sample format, the \pkg{scoringutils} package implements the following proper scoring rules by providing wrappers to the corresponding functions in the \pkg{scoringRules} package: the (continuous) ranked probability score (CRPS) \citep{epsteinScoringSystemProbability1969, murphyNoteRankedProbability1971a, mathesonScoringRulesContinuous1976, gneitingStrictlyProperScoring2007}, the logarithmic score (log score) \citep{goodRationalDecisions1952}, and the Dawid-Sebastiani-score (DSS) \citep{dawidCoherentDispersionCriteria1999} (formal definitions are given in Table \ref{tab:score-table-detailed}). Compared to the implementations in the \pkg{scoringRules} these are exposed to the user through a slightly adapted interface. Other, closed form variants of the CRPS, log score and DSS are available in the \pkg{scoringRules} package.

When scoring forecasts in a sample-based format, the choice is usually between the log score and the CRPS. The DSS is much less commonly used. It is easier to compute, but apart from that does not have immediate advantages over the other options. DSS, CRPS and log score differ in several important aspects: ease of estimation and speed of convergence, treatment of over- and underconfidence, sensitivity to distance \cite{winklerScoringRulesEvaluation1996}, sensitivity to outlier predictions, and sensitivity to the order of magnitude of the forecast quantity.

Estimation details and the number of samples required for accurate scoring

The CRPS, DSS and log score are in principle all applicable to continuous as well as discrete forecasts. However, they differ in how easily and accurately scores can be computed based on predictive samples. This is an issue for the log score in particular, which equals the negative log density of the predictive distribution evaluated at the observed value and therefore requires a density estimation. The kernel density estimation used in \pkg{scoringutils} (through the function \fct{log_sample} from the \pkg{scoringRules} package) may be particularly inappropriate for discrete values (see also Table \ref{tab:score-table-detailed}). The log score is therefore not computed for discrete predictions in \pkg{scoringutils}. For a small number of samples, estimated scores may deviate considerably from the exact scores computed based on closed-form predictive functions. This is especially pronounced for the log score, as illustrated in Figure \ref{fig:score-convergence} (adapted from \citep{jordanEvaluatingProbabilisticForecasts2019}).


Overconfidence, underconfidence and outliers

Proper scoring rules differ in how they penalise over- or underconfident forecasts. The log score and the DSS penalise overconfidence much more severely than underconfidence, while the CRPS does not distinguish between over- and underconfidence and penalises both rather leniently \citep{macheteContrastingProbabilisticScoring2012} (see Figure \ref{fig:score-convergence}B, left panel). Similarly, the CRPS is relatively lenient with regards to outlier predictions compared to the log score and the DSS (see Figure \ref{fig:score-convergence}B, right panel). The CRPS, which can be thought of as a generalisation of the absolute error to a predictive distribution, scales linearly with the distance between forecast distribution and true value. The log score, on the other hand, as the negative logarithm of the predictive density evaluated at the observed value, can quickly tend to infinity if the probability assigned to the observed outcome is close to zero. Whether or not harsh penalisation of overconfidence and bad predictions is desirable or not depends of course on the setting. If, for example, one wanted to forecast hospital bed capacity, it may be prudent to score forecasts using a log score as one might prefer to be too cautious rather than too confident.

Sensitivity to distance - local vs. global scores {#localglobal}

The CRPS and the DSS are so-called global scoring rules, which means that the score is sensitive to the distance of the entire predictive distribution from the observed value. The log score, on the other hand, is local and the resulting score depends only on the probability density assigned to the actual outcome, ignoring the rest of the predictive distribution (see Figure \ref{fig:score-locality}). Sensitivity to distance (taking the entire predictive distribution into account) may be a desirable property in most settings that involve decision making. A prediction which assigns high probability to results far away from the observed value is arguably less useful than a forecast which assigns a lot of probability mass to values closer to the observed outcome (the probability assigned to the actual outcome being equal for both forecasts). The log score is only implicitly sensitive to distance in expectation if we assume that values close to the observed value are actually more likely to occur. The fact that the log score only depends on the outcome that actually realised, however, may make it more appropriate for inferential purposes (see \citep{winklerScoringRulesEvaluation1996}) and it is commonly used in Bayesian statistics \citep{gelmanUnderstandingPredictiveInformation2014}.


Sensitivity to the order of magnitude of the forecast quantity

Average scores usually scale with the order of magnitude of the quantity we try to forecast (as the variance of the data-generating distribution usually increases with the mean). Figure \ref{fig:score-scale} illustrates the effect of an increase in scale of the forecast target on average scores. This relation makes it harder to compare forecasts for very different targets, or assess average performance if the quantity of interest varies substantially over time. Average scores tend to be dominated by forecasts for targets with high absolute numbers. This is especially the case for the CRPS (as a generalisation of the absolute error), for which average scores tend to increase strongly with the order of magnitude of the quantity to forecast (see Figure \ref{fig:score-scale}. The log score and the DSS tend to be more robust against this effect and on average increase more slowly with an increase in the variance of the forecast target.


Quantile-based forecasts

Proper scoring rule for quantile-based forecasts (WIS) {#wis}

For forecasts in an interval or quantile format, \pkg{scoringutils} offers the weighted interval score (WIS) \citep{bracherEvaluatingEpidemicForecasts2021}. The WIS has very similar properties to the CRPS and can be thought of as a quantile-based approximation. For an increasing number of equally-spaced prediction intervals the WIS converges to the CRPS. One additional benefit of the WIS is that it can easily be decomposed into three additive components: an uncertainty penalty (called dispersion or sharpness penalty) for the width of a prediction interval and penalties for over- and underprediction (if a value falls outside of a prediction interval).


# use package data and delete unnecessary columns
data <- metrics |>
  select(-Name, -Functions) |>

data <- data[, lapply(.SD, FUN = function(x) {
  x <- gsub("+", "$\\checkmark$", x, fixed = TRUE) # nolint
  x <- gsub("-", "$-$", x, fixed = TRUE)
  x <- gsub("~", "$\\sim$", x, fixed = TRUE) # nolint
setnames(data, old = c("Discrete", "Continuous", "Binary", "Quantile"),
         new = c("D", "C", "B", "Q"))

cap <- "Summary table of scores available in \\pkg{scoringutils}. This table (including corresponding function names) can be accessed by calling \\code{scoringutils::metrics} in \\proglang{R}. Not all metrics are implemented for all types of forecasts and forecasting formats, as indicated by tickmarks, '-', or '$\\sim$' (depends). D (discrete forecasts based on predictive samples), C (continuous, sample-based forecasts), B (binary), and Q (any forecasts in a quantile-based format) refer to different forecast formats. While the distinction is not clear-cut (e.g., binary is a special case of discrete), it is useful in the context of the package as available functions and functionality may differ. For a more detailed description of the terms used in this table see the corresponding paper sections (e.g., for 'global' and 'local' see Section \\ref{localglobal}). For mathematical definitions of the metrics see Table \\ref{tab:score-table-detailed}." # nolint

data[, 1:6] |>
  kableExtra::kbl(format = "latex", booktabs = TRUE,
                  escape = FALSE,
                  longtable = TRUE,
                  caption = cap,
                  align = "lccccl",
                  linesep = "\\addlinespace") |>
  kableExtra::column_spec(1, width = "2.9cm") |>
  kableExtra::column_spec(6, width = "9.3cm") |>
  kableExtra::kable_styling(latex_options = c("striped",
                                              "repeat_header, scale_down"),
                            # could add: full_width = TRUE,
                            font_size = 7.5)

\begin{CodeChunk} \begingroup\fontsize{7.5}{9.5}\selectfont \begin{longtable}[t]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{2.9cm}cccc>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{9.3cm}} \toprule Metric & D & C & B & Q & Info\ \midrule \cellcolor{gray!6}{Absolute error} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Suitable for scoring the median of a predictive distribution}\ \addlinespace Squared error & $\checkmark$ & $\checkmark$ & $-$ & $\checkmark$ & Suitable for scoring the mean of a predictive distribution.\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{(Continuous) ranked probability score (CRPS)} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Proper scoring rule (smaller is better), takes entire predictive distribution into account (global), penalises over$-$ and under$-$confidence similarly, stable handling of outliers}\ \addlinespace Log score & $-$ & $\checkmark$ & $\checkmark$ & $-$ & Proper scoring rule, smaller is better, only evaluates predictive density at observed value (local), penalises over$-$confidence severely, susceptible to outliers\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{(Weighted) interval score (WIS)} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Proper scoring rule, smaller is better, similar properties to CRPS and converges to CRPS for an increasing number of equally spaced intervals}\ \addlinespace Dawid$-$Sebastiani score (DSS) & $\checkmark$ & $\checkmark$ & $-$ & $-$ & Proper scoring rule, smaller is better, evaluates forecast based on mean and sd of predictive distribution (global), susceptible to outliers, penalises over$-$confidence severely\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{Brier score (BS)} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Proper scoring rule, smaller is better, equals CRPS for binary outcomes, penalises over$-$ and under$-$confidence similarly}\ \addlinespace Interval coverage & $-$ & $-$ & $-$ & $\checkmark$ & Proportion of observations falling inside a given central prediction interval (= 'empirical interval coverage'). Used to assess probabilistic calibration.\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{Coverage deviation} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Average difference between empirical and nominal interval coverage (coverage that should have been realised)}\ \addlinespace Quantile coverage & $\checkmark$ & $\checkmark$ & $-$ & $-$ & Proportion of observations below a given quantile of the predictive CDF. Used to assess probabilistic calibration.\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{Dispersion} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Dispersion component of WIS, measures width of predictive intervals.}\ \addlinespace Median Absolute Deviation (Dispersion) & $\checkmark$ & $\checkmark$ & $-$ & $-$ & Measure for dispersion of a forecast: median of the absolute deviations from the median\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{Under$-$, Over$-$prediction} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Absolute amount of over$-$or under$-$prediction (components of WIS)}\ \addlinespace Probability integral transform (PIT) & $\checkmark$ & $\checkmark$ & $-$ & $\checkmark$ & PIT transform is the CDF of the predictive distribution evaluated at the observed values. PIT values should be uniform.\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{Bias} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$-$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\checkmark$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Measure of relative tendency to over$-$ or under$-$predict (aspect of calibration), bounded between $-$1 and 1 (ideally 0)}\ \addlinespace Mean score ratio & $\sim$ & $\sim$ & $\sim$ & $\sim$ & Compares performance of two models. Properties depend on the metric chosen for the comparison.\ \addlinespace \cellcolor{gray!6}{(Scaled) Relative skill} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\sim$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\sim$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\sim$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{$\sim$} & \cellcolor{gray!6}{Ranks models based on pairwise comparisons, useful in the context of missing forecasts. Properties depend on the metric chosen for the comparison.}\ \bottomrule \caption{\label{tab:metrics-summary}Summary table of scores available in \pkg{scoringutils}. This table (including corresponding function names) can be accessed by calling \code{scoringutils::metrics} in \proglang{R}. Not all metrics are implemented for all types of forecasts and forecasting formats, as indicated by tickmarks, '-', or '$\sim$' (depends). D (discrete forecasts based on predictive samples), C (continuous, sample-based forecasts), B (binary), and Q (any forecasts in a quantile-based format) refer to different forecast formats. While the distinction is not clear-cut (e.g., binary is a special case of discrete), it is useful in the context of the package as available functions and functionality may differ. For a more detailed description of the terms used in this table see the corresponding paper sections (e.g., for 'global' and 'local' see Section \ref{localglobal}). For mathematical definitions of the metrics see Table \ref{tab:score-table-detailed}.}\ \end{longtable} \endgroup{} \end{CodeChunk}
