epigen-UCSD / epigen_ucsd_django

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2018-11-05 discussion #142

Closed biomystery closed 5 years ago

biomystery commented 5 years ago


  1. epigen user functions:

    • [x] input sample info page
    • [x] input MastQC related info
    • [ ] display info
  2. runSetQC:

    • [x] only run libs that stored already -> store/import data (setQC required columns/models)
    • [x] libs not processed need process -> new lib/seq info inputted (by experimentalist) -> input page
  3. collaborator function

    • [ ] allow collaborator login and display setQCs for them
    • [ ] request function: allow collaborator request serivice (based on template Dave provided). Solutions: 1) user's profile (user datatable) 2) use upload files methods
    • [ ] request function 2 - store sample Info (input page) : (epigen part) review the request and submit to store in DB
    • [ ] display requested info: status and etc.
  4. replace google spreadsheet

    • [x] strategy: test the app + co-existed app and gs for a period of time
    • [x] add new seqs page change to be the same as add libs/samples so that people can copy paste
    • [ ] add more columns from sample tracking sheet into data model
    • [x] design the collaborator/pi model - Fisc + research
    • [x] bulk input all the sample Info (copy / paste)
    • [x] review pages after input samples/libs/seqs
    • [ ] display all data
    • [x] add the new tables into a new db diagram.


  1. focus on input pages to allow user input
  2. after that we can close setQCapp
biomystery commented 5 years ago
  1. [ ] sample input pages: 1) covered most of the columns in input page. 2) bulk entry(?) 3) collaboration info (colB-colH ?) 4) colN-colT ?
  2. [ ] lib input page: 1) sampleinfo has too many items. current method cannot directly find one specific sample. - solution: use input box with key words 联想 http://donlianli.iteye.com/blog/1923017。 2)will change to bulk input and validate sample after save 3) everything is included.
  3. [x] seq input page: 1) perfect. 2) in future, can add a flowcell id and can run demuplex for nextseq machine.
biomystery commented 5 years ago


biomystery commented 5 years ago

170 #171