epigen-UCSD / epigen_ucsd_django

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[scAPP] check all the existed 10xATAC in scAPP if the embeded link is correct #441

Closed biomystery closed 4 years ago

biomystery commented 4 years ago

List the ones that not correct here.

Better to list the folder names/symbolic (random string) link names here so that I can manually make them correct.

brandonGonzalez01 commented 4 years ago


brandonGonzalez01 commented 4 years ago

qesvwn5r_MM_284 eDdmFvZX_MM_285 AgEPkLnQ_MM_288 P1nAcC1c_MM_294 Frj1b9Ep_MM_296 Kr0VXaV9_MM_298 feMstOk8_MM_300 j4DZB6yB_MM_287 pzi2TY9a_MM_289 dGrwODOM_MM_295 nbQurjli_MM_297 WPgHfopI_MM_299 h9EUeO2d_MM_301 f7xpMOHV_JYH_1047_1_2 p1qFHjeK_JYH_855_1_2 BH9wA0ML_MM_126_1_2 dWhmU6Ep_MM_280 fJn0NIO5_MM_286 n6PGZrca_MM_329 UlVEdtPx_MM_281

brandonGonzalez01 commented 4 years ago

There was a an error in my code, the symbolic link was linking to the wrong experiment directory.

biomystery commented 4 years ago


biomystery commented 4 years ago

still open, see http://epigenomics.sdsc.edu:8000/singlecell/websummary/MM_339

biomystery commented 4 years ago

[zhc268@epigenomics lims_singlecell]$ find . -xtype l | while read l; do ll=${l/\.\//};ll $ll|awk '{gsub("scRNA","10xATAC",$11);print "ln -sf",$11,$9}';done|bash