epigen-UCSD / epigen_ucsd_django

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multiple copy or duplicated data in QC sections of single cell app #496

Closed biomystery closed 3 years ago

biomystery commented 3 years ago

for the second task, need delete ones without being referenced in singlecell_app_singlecellobject table.

biomystery commented 3 years ago
django_data=# select tenx_pipeline_status, count(*) from singlecell_app_singlecellobject group by tenx_pipeline_status;
 tenx_pipeline_status | count 
 Yes                  |   312
 InProcess            |     1
 ClickToSubmit        |  1368
 No                   |     1
 InQueue              |    44
biomystery commented 3 years ago
django_data=# select * from singlecell_app_singlecellobject where seqinfo_id=3721;
  id  | experiment_type | date_last_modified | tenx_pipeline_status | path_to_websummary |                          random_string_link                          | object_id | content_type_id | cooladminsubmiss
ion_id | seqinfo_id 
  746 | 10xATAC         | 2020-09-09         | Yes                  |                    | http://epigenomics.sdsc.edu/zhc268/lims_singlecell/0Ih2zd4w_JYH_1046 |       416 |              31 |                 
       |       3721
 1688 | 10xATAC         | 2019-06-24         | Yes                  |                    |                                                                      |       629 |              31 |                 
       |       3721
(2 rows)
biomystery commented 3 years ago
with cte as (select seqinfo_id,count(*) as vcount from singlecell_app_singlecellobject where tenx_pipeline_status='Yes' group by seqinfo_id ) select vcount,count(vcount) from cte group by vcount;
 vcount | count 
      2 |   156
(1 row)
biomystery commented 3 years ago
  1. delete the ones with 'Yes' status select random_string_link,count(random_string_link) from singlecell_app_singlecellobject where random_string_link='' and tenx_pipeline_status='Yes' group by random_string_link; delete from singlecell_app_singlecellobject where random_string_link='' and tenx_pipeline_status='Yes'; with cte as (select seqinfo_id,count(*) as vcount from singlecell_app_singlecellobject where tenx_pipeline_status='Yes' group by seqinfo_id ) select vcount,count(vcount) from cte group by vcount;
biomystery commented 3 years ago
  1. delete the ones with other status

2.1 check number of duplicates

django_data=# with cte as (select seqinfo_id,count(*) as vcount from singlecell_app_singlecellobject  group by seqinfo_id ) select vcount,count(vcount) from cte group by vcount; vcount | count 
      1 |  1456
      2 |    56

Check the items to be deleted:

django_data=# with cte as(select experiment_type,date_last_modified,seqinfo_id, row_number() over (partition by seqinfo_id order by date_last_modified) rownum  from singlecell_app_singlecellobject) select rownum,count(rownum) from cte  where rownum>1 group by rownum;
 rownum | count 
      2 |    56

verified 2 (in postgres)

 django_data=# with cte as(select *,row_number() over (partition by seqinfo_id order by date_last_modified) as rownum  from singlecell_app_singlecellobject)  select count(*) from singlecell_app_singlecellobject  where id in (select id from cte where rownum>1) ;
(1 row)

delete items that the rownum >1 :

django_data=# with cte as(select *,row_number() over (partition by seqinfo_id order by date_last_modified) as rownum  from singlecell_app_singlecellobject)  delete from singlecell_app_singlecellobject  where id in (select id from cte where rownum>1) ;