epigen / RnBeads

Git working Repo synced to the Bioconductor: http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/RnBeads.html
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Using the latest ff package breaks the BigFfMat function #10

Closed berguner closed 3 years ago

berguner commented 3 years ago


I was trying to analyze some WGBS data and I enabled disk.dump.big.matrices to offload large matrices to disk. I was able to use this functionality several months ago, but I got this error yesterday:

Error in close.ff(res) : could not find function "close.ff"
Calls: rnb.run.analysis ... read.bed.files -> BigFfMat -> lapply -> lapply -> FUN

We thought it might be the same problem as mentioned here, so we downgraded the ff package to v2.2-14.2 and it seems to work for the moment. Can you please check if you can make RnBeads compatible with the ff v4.0.2?