epigen / RnBeads

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Potential shift in HM450K 'rs' probes annotation in rnb.set #18

Open YoannPa opened 3 years ago

YoannPa commented 3 years ago


I was going through the annotation of a 450K rnb.set object to have the position of 'rs' genotyping probes earlier today. Following the documentation I did the following to get their coordinates on hg19: genotyping.pb.hg19 <- annotation(rnb.set)[rownames(annotation(rnb.set)) %like% "rs", 1:3]

It contains a bed-like table with SNP IDs, Chromosome location, Start & End. Since there is a "Start" and an "End" I though it was 0-based coordinates. However, after checking in dbSNP the 1-based locations of SNPs match the 'Start' values.

Should'nt it match the 0-based 'End' value ? I am not sure, but there might be a shift in 'rs' SNPs coordinates.

eg. rs3936238 is located on chr1:4131726 (1-based) in dbSNP. However annotation() generates these 0-based coordinates (I did not included additionnal cols): rs3936238 chr1 4131726 4131727 I would have expected something like this in 0-based instead: rs3936238 chr1 4131725 4131726

Thank you in advance for the clarification.