epigen / RnBeads

Git working Repo synced to the Bioconductor: http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/RnBeads.html
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Error in rnb.region.types.for.analysis("hg19") : invalid value for rnb.set #29

Open xlucpu opened 2 years ago

xlucpu commented 2 years ago

I am using RnBeads to creat a rnb object by my own data. Notably, I do not have the original iDAT files and I would like to use the beta matrix and sample information to import my data. However, I always get error as

Error in rnb.region.types.for.analysis("hg19") :
  invalid value for rnb.set

Here is my code:

sample.annotation <- file.path(data.path,"gaby_ccrcc_epic_sample_information.txt") # include sample
beta.source <- file.path(data.path,"gaby_ccrcc_original_epic_beta_noxy.txt") # include beta
data.source <- c(beta.source, sample.annotation)
rnb.options("import.table.separator" = "\t")
rnb.set <- rnb.execute.import(data.source = data.source,
                              data.type = "data.files")

And such command gets me the error:

Warning: The sample sheet contained one column with empty names; renamed to Unknown Column No.
Read table with sample information
Read table with betas
Error in rnb.region.types.for.analysis("hg19") : 
  invalid value for rnb.set

Could you please help me with it? Many thanks in advance.