epigen / RnBeads

Git working Repo synced to the Bioconductor: http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/RnBeads.html
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Is ~sample_type + time_point analysis possible in rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth? #31

Open naumenko-sa opened 2 years ago

naumenko-sa commented 2 years ago

Hello epigen team!

Thanks for the useful package!

I have 18 samples organized by sample_type (2 types) x time_point (3 time points)

Is it possible to perform a differential methylation analysis with rnb.execute.computeDiffMeth to compute diff_meth for type1_vs_type2 showing the dynamics across the time points (similarly to analysis formula in DESeq2 for RNA-seq: ~ sample_type + time_point).

I tried to set up the table and the pairwise flag, but I got results "time point1 vs everything else", instead of time1 vs time2, time2 vs time3.

What would you your best practice for such an analysis with RbBeads?
