epigen / crop-seq

Data analysis scripts for Datlinger et. al, 2017 (doi:10.1038/nmeth.4177)
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Input data from plasmid library sequencing for screen_dynamics.py #2

Closed dburkhardt closed 6 years ago

dburkhardt commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to recreate the plot in Figure 2B of your paper using the function screen_dynamics.py, but I can't find the input data in the supplementary files or at the GEO accession. Can you please point me towards it?

Thank you for putting all of your code online!

afrendeiro commented 6 years ago

Hi Daniel! Thanks for the interest and for pointing this out! You can find these data here: http://www.medical-epigenomics.org/papers/datlinger2017/data/gRNA_counts/