When I try compling something like that with Stan I get:
Compiling Stan program...
Syntax error in '/var/folders/4r/hkp4v9fn3wx044_hk8qnsjxw0000gn/T/RtmpD3IIlw/model-fe643c985a5a.stan', line 12, column 34 to column 35, parsing error:
10: real D = positive_infinity();
11: int primary_id = 1; // Uniform
12: array[0] real primary_params = {};
13: return primarycensored_lpmf(d | dist_id, params, pwindow, d_upper, D, primary_id, primary_params);
14: }
Expression expected after "{" in array expression.
make: *** [/var/folders/4r/hkp4v9fn3wx044_hk8qnsjxw0000gn/T/RtmpD3IIlw/model-fe643c985a5a.hpp] Error 1
Error: An error occured during compilation! See the message above for more information.
If it's not valid syntax suggest change to documentation.
I'm unsure about this but in the documentation it suggests using this for empty array for
When I try compling something like that with Stan I get:
If it's not valid syntax suggest change to documentation.