epinxteren / ts-eventsourcing

Infrastructure and testing helpers for creating CQRS and event sourced applications.
7 stars 6 forks source link

Any ideas for new project name? #3

Open epinxteren opened 5 years ago

mdeletter commented 5 years ago

To get some inspiration/ideas, can you give some insights on:

mdeletter commented 5 years ago

But first, shouldn't we start with designing a cool logo 😃

BackEndTea commented 5 years ago


simonpaulb commented 5 years ago

Before suggesting the name of the project, can you just brief what's the project about?

epinxteren commented 5 years ago

Project is about eventsourcing. See the readme file ;). You can find example code in src/_test/**. It provides eventsourcing/cqrs logic, with most important feature is the eventsourcing testbench.

Moussaabben commented 5 years ago

ground.ts // since we are talking about sourcing and the ground is the source of pratically lot of things

mShreyasKumar commented 5 years ago

How about these, :)

  1. eventsville.ts
  2. eventity.ts
  3. eventchain.ts
simonpaulb commented 5 years ago
