episerver / content-events-masstransit

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Update document when configuring event provider once added inside "Episerver" key #6

Closed lonvepi closed 2 years ago

lonvepi commented 2 years ago

As the docs said, we can add event like following, but it won't work. { "EPiServer" : { "MassTransitEventProvider" : { "ConnectionString": "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672", "ExchangeName" : "optimizely.fanout.siteevents", } } } We need to put MassTransitEventProvider inside "CMS" key. It works fine then, like this { "EPiServer": { "CMS": { "MassTransitEventProvider": { "ConnectionString": "amqps://colnfxim:NFM-OC_GE_uC04G-nZ9dHVjj0hgV7PHB@dingo.rmq.cloudamqp.com/colnfxim", "ExchangeName": "optimizely.fanout.siteevents" } } } } Please update the docs and README.md file