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Adicionar informação referentes a padronização das mensagens dos commits no [Guia de Cont…
In [`96fdab6`](https://github.com/Elara6331/uptime/commit/96fdab6be03722664c10a3a5db253d07807d74d8
), GZD Matrix ($GZD_MATRIX_URL) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 500
- Response time: 2026 ms
### Link to Internship Posting
### Company Name
### Internship Title
Product Management Intern
### Location
Burbank, CA…
In [`e5ffb10`](https://github.com/zkitefly/upptime/commit/e5ffb10408278b1f5a7da6008f7bee519eae516c
), GitHub Proxy - ghp.ci (https://ghp.ci/) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 502
- Response time: 1286 ms
In [`31139f0`](https://github.com/DotGov-Dev/govUpTime/commit/31139f0cefc01f75cee3cbfe8a2d6f61e02b73e9
), www.cdc.gov (https://www.cdc.gov) was **down**:
- HTTP code: 0
- Response time: 0 ms
This issue was auto filed by Sentry. It represents a crash or reported error on a live cluster with telemetry enabled.
Sentry Link: [https://cockroach-labs.sentry.io/issues/6111639808/?referrer=webho…
Tasks related to schema docs:
- [ ] https://microbiomedata.github.io/nmdc-schema/about/
- [ ] https://microbiomedata.github.io/nmdc-schema/identifiers/
- [ ] https://microbiomedata.github.io/nmdc-sch…
**Describe the issue identified (if applicable)**
When one namespace borrows an element from another namespace, there is need for a Schematron rule in the first namespace that ensures the borrowed cl…
# Issue Summary
`windeployqt` is a very popular tool for [deploying windows executables](https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/windows-deployment.html) that are built against Qt.
The tool itself simply scans t…
On MinGW, we should recognize the drive letter prefix and treat it as if the toplevel directory.