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Connect API for DCEG's Cohort Study
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Spanish Integration Bucket 2 - PWA #915

Open sonyekere opened 4 months ago

sonyekere commented 4 months ago

Placeholder for requirements. @anthonypetersen will provide @bransteitterbr with development insight. Development to begin prior to receiving translated materials

March : Start Development -First, Build out Spanish version of MyConnect ( March to May) - Text translation/Hard text -Populate Spanish version of MyConnect with all content - (once content is received ) -Integrating Spanish versions of all forms (consent, HIPAA, revocation, data destruction)

robertsamm commented 4 months ago

Additional details below. Note, the majority of this work will be in the PWA but there are a few areas where this work will touch the SMDB (form versions - bubble fields and downloadable signed form, new CID to be added to SMDB)

  1. Build out Spanish Version of MyConnect and Hard Text Translation - refactor code to hold both in English and Spanish anywhere text is displayed on PWA and make sure it displays correct text for which language is selected. Should be able to toggle between English and Spanish. -translated text to be provided at later date. Actual build out can be started now with placeholders for the Spanish translation (e.g. could use Latin for placeholders). Est. date of translation and handover of content to be provided once timeline finalized.

  2. Rendering of correct forms and surveys - survey rendering to be handled in issue https://github.com/episphere/connect/issues/917. For rendering of correct forms, we will have separate site-specific Spanish translated consent forms and HIPAA forms versions for each site as well as a Spanish revocation form and destruction form (not site specific). If a participant selects 'Spanish' the version of the consent and HIPAA forms that should be displayed is the Spanish version in both the PWA and the SMDB. The Spanish versions will have separate variables. -PWA: render correct forms in PWA for all places forms are unsigned and signed -SMDB: bubble field for forms versions, render correct form for downloadable forms on Participant Summary page -still need decision: If someone signs consent form in Spanish should they always render in Spanish even if the person toggles back to English?

  3. CID for language election/preferred language - additional var for language election to be added that will be derived from which consent form the participant signs that indicates whether the individuals preferred language is English or Spanish. -SMDB: Add as bubble field on SMDB 'All Participants' page, Add on Participant Details Page as a variable that can be changed by NORC and CCC staff only -PWA: we will not add this to the User Profile screen that the participant initially fills out. However, we would like to add this to the 'MyProfiles' page for a participant to be able to change. -API: allow sites to pull this information back via API -Comms: notification specs will use this var to render the body of the email/SMS messages sent to each participant in either English or Spanish depending on the var response for language election -Decision needed: should CSC and participant be able to change their language preference at any time or only after verification status=verified? Also confirm only CCC and NORC staff should be able to change language preference?

depietrodeanna commented 1 month ago

@bransteitterbr see below for Spanish HIPAA forms, data destruction, and HIPAA rev forms:

pSite HIPAA forms: https://nih.app.box.com/folder/256173575137 Data Destruction: https://app.box.com/s/xem0zgtqjqiftry3zfmu9qiu6jhhq7t0 HIPPA Rev: https://app.box.com/s/i4eolku7f9sa3wsrdocv2hyl41jchtx6

robertsamm commented 1 month ago

@bransteitterbr The Word versions of the pSite consent forms (not the final approved versions) are also located here: https://nih.app.box.com/folder/256172019672 so that you can use them to create the HTML Box display versions in the PWA.

We don't have the PDF consent forms with the NIH stamp of approval on them yet to use to upload into the SMDB/PWA and apply coordinates on yet though.

depietrodeanna commented 1 month ago

json files for PWA here @bransteitterbr https://nih.app.box.com/file/1536067057824

robertsamm commented 1 month ago

Hi @bransteitterbr when you upload the forms into the PWA and SMDB, please use the below form version variable response labels for the Spanish forms.

Revocation & Destruction Forms (HIPAA Revocation Version CID: 407743866, Data Destruction Form Version CID: 304438543) HIPAA_Revocation_V1.0_Span Data_Destruction_V1.0_Span

Consent Forms (Consent Version CID: 454205108) NCI_Consent_V0.05_Span HFHS_Consent_V0.03_Span Marshfield_Consent_V0.03_Span Sanford_Consent_V0.03_Span UChicago_Consent_V0.05_Span KPCO_Consent_V0.03_Span KPNW_Consent_V0.03_Span KPHI_Consent_V0.03_Span KPGA_Consent_V0.04_Span HP_Consent_V0.05_Span

HIPAA Authorization Forms (HIPAA Version CID: 412000022) NCI_HIPAA_V0.02_Span HFHS_HIPAA_V0.02_Span Marshfield_HIPAA_V0.02_Span Sanford_HIPAA_V0.02_Span UChicago_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPCO_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPNW_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPHI_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPGA_HIPAA_V0.03_Span HP_HIPAA_V0.03_Span

@bransteitterbr @anthonypetersen @brotzmanmj Madhuri and I discussed this one, and we wanted to know how do these vars get tied to the preferred language variable (CID 255077064 Consent and Notification Language). Is this done in the backend by DevOps? How does the preferred language var take the character responses from the form versions and transfer that to 0=English and 1=Spanish?

*Edited to add the NCI site version labels for the model consent and model HIPAA in dev.

depietrodeanna commented 1 month ago

@bransteitterbr for the support page, we need the CSC specific line for Spanish to be displayed (we have both an email and a phone number).

Please use this contact info for the CSC contact info to render on the Spanish version of the PWA. Phone: 1-877-775-7004 Email: ConnectAyuda@norc.org

bransteitterbr commented 1 month ago

@robertsamm Could the pdf versions of the Data Destruction and Revocation forms be added to the box folders where the docx sits? Thanks

robertsamm commented 1 month ago

@bransteitterbr PDF versions of forms uploaded and linked below (in same folders as Word versions): Revocation: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1544011777350 Destruction: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1544017147039

Model/NCI HIPAA: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1544015550916 pSite HIPAAs: https://nih.app.box.com/folder/256173575137

Model/NCI Consent: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1544022088783 (not yet IRB approved but can be uploaded for NCI site as will not move to stage/prod)

robertsamm commented 1 month ago

@bransteitterbr and @amber-emmes for preferred language on the SMDB:

  1. Please place the bubble field for preferred language on the 'All Participants' page between 'All Base Surv Complete' and 'Participation Status' image

  2. Please place the editable preferred language field on the 'Participant Details' page after 'Connect ID' but before the section on phone/email login. Note, this is only editable for NORC and CCC staff. For site staff, the preferred language should display but the field would not be editable. image

depietrodeanna commented 1 month ago

Starting to document fixes needed in PWA Spanish content in dev, categorized into MVP and non-MVP (per my own categorization, others can comment if they disagree):

https://app.box.com/s/8kwt07qw46u6xyikl5a0v5uekbz81lza @amber-emmes I believe you can help us since Brian is out but tagging @Davinkjohnson to confirm.

Requested My Samples json updates from NORC for SF and UC today, they will deliver ASAP.

robertsamm commented 1 month ago

Good morning! I have also added some items to the Box doc linked above that I saw in my testing.

A few items that are MVP:

  1. Please change the PWA toggle label from 'Preferred Language' to just 'Language' to not confuse this with the preferred language variable that is not set by the toggle.
  2. On SMDB - please change label on Pt Details page from 'Consent and Notification Language' to 'Preferred Language'.
  3. On SMDB - bubble field label on 'All Participants' page to be changed from 'Consent and Notification Language' to 'Preferred Language' with DD update to this CID. @mnataraj92 is this in the DD change log already?
mnataraj92 commented 1 month ago

@rebexxxxxx is adding this to the DD change log!

amber-emmes commented 1 month ago

1) Has been addressed and merged into dev. It should be ready to re-test now. 2) Has been addressed and merged into dev. It should be ready to re-test now. 3) Will require some updates elsewhere and I believe will be handled through the DD change log.

depietrodeanna commented 1 month ago

continuing PWA testing. @amber-emmes for 1. the "Language" is showing up correctly in English but in Spanish I still see "Idioma preferido." Please update to just "Language" in Spanish: "Idioma"

amber-emmes commented 1 month ago

The Spanish-language update for 1 has been merged into dev and is ready for testing there.

depietrodeanna commented 1 month ago

The Spanish-language update for 1 has been merged into dev and is ready for testing there.

tested and ready for stage

depietrodeanna commented 3 weeks ago

@sonyekere feel free to relocate if this is not the correct issue. NORC delivered the updated My Samples files for SF and UC: https://nih.app.box.com/folder/271691579589 NORC said, "Please note that this folder also contains the individual en.js and es.js files along with an overview of the six places that Glyph joined sentences to translate. They have also updated the translation of the value proposition in the JSON file to match the glossary, as previously discussed."

@bransteitterbr let me know if you have everything you need here.

cusackjm commented 3 weeks ago

@bransteitterbr Spanish SSN Survey Content: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1525593539781 (this is different than what is currently programmed)

brotzmanmj commented 3 weeks ago

@depietrodeanna the link that Julie just provided above for the IRB approved SSN survey content in Spanish. Is this what Brian should be using for programming or was another format provided by Glyph that was formatted for him to consume (with the same content)?

depietrodeanna commented 3 weeks ago

@brotzmanmj That should be the format for Brian. Is that the same format that you are using for programming other surveys @bransteitterbr? Glyph provided all translated PWA specific files here (https://nih.app.box.com/folder/262831674134) but those files don't include the actual survey instruments (they should include survey descriptions on the dashboard). The only survey Glyph partially translated was PROMIS.

brotzmanmj commented 3 weeks ago

Just to clarify, the SSN survey is the only one that is programmed directly in the PWA and therefore is part of the work Brian is doing. The rest of the surveys get programmed in Quest via IMS.

@bransteitterbr please let us know if the link Julie provided is what you need or if you have questions.

bransteitterbr commented 2 weeks ago

@depietrodeanna and @brotzmanmj I was able to update the language based on the document provided and will be submitting a PR with just that portion of the Spanish updates so that it can be tested in dev

robertsamm commented 2 weeks ago

@bransteitterbr and @amber-emmes The pSite consent forms are still with the IRB. They found some inconsistencies in the translations of the pSite consent forms where there were just a couple of words here and there that did not match the model consent form exactly. Can you confirm whether you already uploaded the HTML for each of the Spanish pSite consents into dev? If yes, we will go ahead and start working on getting together a list of all of the areas that will need to be changed in the HTML for each site's consent so that you have this. It's not much just a few words or phrases on each form.

bransteitterbr commented 2 weeks ago

@robertsamm Yes the Spanish pSite consent forms html is in dev.

cusackjm commented 2 weeks ago

Few spanish issues from Dev testing: https://github.com/episphere/connect/issues/1050 Otherwise everything functioned as intended

robertsamm commented 2 weeks ago

@bransteitterbr @amber-emmes The model and pSite consent forms are all IRB approved. Links to the PDF version are below. I am working on compiling the changes that need to be made to the HTML and will add those in a separate comment.

PDF Consent Forms w/ IRB Stamps of Approval:

robertsamm commented 2 weeks ago

@bransteitterbr @amber-emmes Here are the changes that need to be made to all of the Spanish consent form HTMLs in PWA. Please let me know if you have any questions.

-Tracked versions of the changes needed are located here: https://nih.app.box.com/folder/273255021491 -Not all sites need the same changes so here is a summary chart of the changes: image

robertsamm commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @bransteitterbr when you upload the forms into the PWA and SMDB, please use the below form version variable response labels for the Spanish forms.

Revocation & Destruction Forms (HIPAA Revocation Version CID: 407743866, Data Destruction Form Version CID: 304438543) HIPAA_Revocation_V1.0_Span Data_Destruction_V1.0_Span

Consent Forms (Consent Version CID: 454205108) NCI_Consent_V0.05_Span HFHS_Consent_V0.03_Span Marshfield_Consent_V0.03_Span Sanford_Consent_V0.03_Span UChicago_Consent_V0.05_Span KPCO_Consent_V0.03_Span KPNW_Consent_V0.03_Span KPHI_Consent_V0.03_Span KPGA_Consent_V0.04_Span HP_Consent_V0.05_Span

HIPAA Authorization Forms (HIPAA Version CID: 412000022) NCI_HIPAA_V0.02_Span HFHS_HIPAA_V0.02_Span Marshfield_HIPAA_V0.02_Span Sanford_HIPAA_V0.02_Span UChicago_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPCO_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPNW_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPHI_HIPAA_V0.02_Span KPGA_HIPAA_V0.03_Span HP_HIPAA_V0.03_Span

@bransteitterbr @anthonypetersen @brotzmanmj Madhuri and I discussed this one, and we wanted to know how do these vars get tied to the preferred language variable (CID 255077064 Consent and Notification Language). Is this done in the backend by DevOps? How does the preferred language var take the character responses from the form versions and transfer that to 0=English and 1=Spanish?

*Edited to add the NCI site version labels for the model consent and model HIPAA in dev.

These are all still correct, but was missing BSWH. Please use these labels for the BSWH consent and HIPAA form version variable responses: -BSWH_Consent_V0.02_Span -BSWH_HIPAA_V0.01_Span

robertsamm commented 2 weeks ago

@bransteitterbr just reviewed with Deanna and I missed one change for the HTML above. For KPCO please add a space between words 'usted.' and 'Brindar' on page 8. Added to the summary table of changes. image