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Survey - JAWS/Accessibility #931

Open sonyekere opened 4 months ago

sonyekere commented 4 months ago
brotzmanmj commented 4 months ago

More information from the participant who reported the current issue: The participant shared that they are attempting to select the answers using the keyboard mouse left click key as they cannot use a mouse. The participant is happy to help us test a solution.

Tony suggested we move forward with purchasing a multi-user license for JAWS so that more than one member of our team is able to test this if necessary. Another thing to consider is that JAWS is Windows only so it can’t be installed on Mac devices. There are (not free) services such as Assistiv Labs that let you test Accessibility Tech through the browser, but for tools like JAWS you still need to bring your own license.

Another piece of information: When we asked OCPL about this they suggested WAVE made by AIM for testing.

JoeArmani commented 3 months ago

Update: NCI Support has provided access to a remote virtual PC (Windows-based development is required for JAWS compatibility). I ran into a permissions issue installing JAWS on that virtual PC and have reached out to support for assistance.

EDIT 4/1: All setup issues have been resolved. The development environment is set up, I am familiarizing myself with JAWS, and development is underway.

JoeArmani commented 2 months ago

This PR is in review.

NOTE: this is a major update -- it needs detailed testing. There are a couple remaining browser-specific items that look good visually but cause issues with a screen reader (these impact UX but not usability and I'm working on these remaining items during testing).

• Accessibility enhancements for easier screen reader use. • Update grid to table (screen reader friendly), increase click target size. • Update grid handlers for new table format. • Add checkmark graphic to grid. • Add card layout to mobile grid. • Add aria properties to some inputs. • Autofocus ‘other’ and ‘please describe’ text boxes on click. • Autoclick ‘other’ and ‘please describe’ text boxes on text input. • Update modal for accessible navigation. • Refactor stopSubmit.

tags need to be handled in some browsers — they read “empty group” which can be confusing with a screen reader.

cunnaneaq commented 1 month ago

Tested in dev - looks good!

cunnaneaq commented 1 month ago

Updates look good in stage