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experimenting with the idea of a questionnaire markup
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Loop Issue for Sibling and Child Cancer Diagnosis Loops #413

Closed FrogGirl1123 closed 2 years ago

FrogGirl1123 commented 3 years ago

Loops for siblings and children of the participant add a ## to the concept ID for the diagnosis for each loop/sibling/child that the question is asked for (e.g. _1_1 would be for answers for the second sibling for which information is given).

In the testing last week, when year was given for the age of diagnosis for skin cancer for a sibling it was stored like this: D_726699695.D_278159347_1_1.D_261863326_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1

where 726699695 is the module CID, 278159347 is the skin cancer CID and 278159347 is the year of diagnosis CID.

I'm seeing the same issue for Breast Cancer (907590067), Cervical Cancer (860112841), Another Cancer (247160067) for Siblings, and Child Brain Cancer (601211723). I haven't check the rest of the child loops, but I assume it's present.

This is not an issue for the first iteration of the loop.

It does appear to be a harmonization issue (all Year at Diagnosis have the CID of 261863326 and all Age at Diagnosis have a CID of 206625031) although the test data was from the Oct 8 and Oct 9 testing which was supposed to be using reverted non-harmonized version of the transformed Module 1 markup.

Data is being saved for the variables with the _1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1 extension. I'm going to check against the test data to make sure the correct values are saved under each variable and will update the issue. I'm waiting on access to the test data folder.

Please determine and resolve the cause of the loop labeling issue.

danielruss commented 3 years ago

Can you please create a small module that displays this issue?

FrogGirl1123 commented 3 years ago

Your need to enter 2 or > Siblings and select at least two cancers to see the issue. If the issue doesn't crop up, then it might be related to having multiple loops with the harmonized values in which case you would need to test with both the Sib and Child loops at the same time (let me know and I can add the child loop to this).

Here you go:

[SIB] <b>Siblings</b>

The next questions are about your siblings (brothers and sisters), including those who are no longer living. Please include full siblings (share the same biological mother and father), and half-siblings (share the same biological mother or father). Please do not include adopted or step siblings.

[D_694265648?] How many siblings do you have, including full and half-siblings?
|__|__|id=D_694265648 min=0 max=25| #Siblings

[SIBCONFIRM] You told us that you have |displayif=isNotDefined(D_694265648,0)|0| {$D_694265648} sibling|displayif=or(equals(D_694265648,0),or(isNotDefined(D_694265648,0),greaterThanOrEqual(D_694265648,2)))|s|, including full and half-siblings.

If this is <b>not</b> correct, please select the “Back” button to update your response. If this is correct, please select the “Next” button to move forward.

<loop max=25>

[D_406098499?|firstquestion=#loop loopmax=D_694265648|] For your |displayif=equals(#loop,1)|oldest||displayif=greaterThan(#loop,1)|next oldest| sibling, please create a nickname or share initials that we can use to refer to this sibling again in future surveys.


[D_579563781?] Thinking of |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your ||displayif=and(doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false),greaterThan(#loop,1))|next ||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|oldest sibling|, what biological sex was this sibling assigned at birth?
(536341288) Female
(654207589) Male
(576796184) Intersex or other
(178420302) Don’t know

[D_807431780?,displayif=doesNotEqual(D_992987417,104430631)]You said you were born a twin, triplet, or other multiple. Is this sibling your twin, triplet, or multiple?
(353358909) Yes -> D_890637099
(104430631) No

[D_589588769?] Is |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| a…
(555374628) Full sibling
(871673221) Half sibling, same mother
(198654048) Half sibling, same father

[D_890637099?] Is |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| still living?
(353358909) Yes -> D_869387390
(104430631) No -> D_537137982
(178420302) Don’t know
< -> D_607773106 >

[D_869387390?] How old is |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| today?
|__|__|__|id=D_478706011 min=0 max=125| Sibling’s age
[178420302*] Don’t know

[D_537137982?] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they died?
|__|__|__|id=D_338020179 min=0 max=125| Sibling’s age
[178420302*] Don’t know

[D_607773106?]|displayif=equals(D_890637099,353358909)|Has||displayif=doesNotEqual(D_890637099,353358909)|Did| a doctor or other health professional ever |displayif=equals(D_890637099,353358909)|told||displayif=doesNotEqual(D_890637099,353358909)|tell| |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| that they |displayif=equals(D_890637099,353358909)|have or |had any type of <b>cancer</b>?
(104430631) No -> _CONTINUE
(353358909) Yes -> D_578895128
(178420302) Don't know -> _CONTINUE
< #NR -> _CONTINUE >

[D_578895128?] Which type(s) of <b>cancer</b>? Select all that apply.
[939782495] Anal -> D_384881609
[135725957] Bladder -> D_483975329
[518416174] Brain -> D_570279754
[847945207] Breast -> D_907590067
[283025574] Cervical -> D_860112841
[942970912] Colon/rectal -> D_158354252
[596122041] Esophageal -> D_654594205
[489400183] Head and neck (Including cancers of the mouth, sinuses, nose, or throat. Not including brain or skin cancers.) -> D_550722030
[863246236] Kidney -> D_142912472
[607793249] Leukemia (blood and bone marrow) -> D_158409298
[532172400] Liver -> D_529744595
[754745617] Lung or bronchial -> D_315987564
[665036297] Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma -> D_852278004
[200837530] Lymphoma -> D_391972881
[990319383] Melanoma (skin) -> D_259089008
[487917585] Non-melanoma skin (basal or squamous) -> D_209771602
[603181162] Ovarian -> D_682651189
[482225200] Pancreatic -> D_750994269
[295976386] Prostate -> D_700889863
[764891959] Stomach -> D_990114799
[248374037] Testicular -> D_195363361
[139822395] Thyroid -> D_216840563
[723614811] Uterine (endometrial) -> D_514034680
[807835037] Another type of cancer: Please describe |__|id=D_957429734| -> D_247160067
[178420302*] I know my sibling had cancer, but don’t know what type -> D_312545873
< -> _CONTINUE >

[D_384881609?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,939782495)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>anal cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3A id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3A id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_483975329?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,135725957)]How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>bladder cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3B id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3B id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_570279754?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,518416174)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>brain cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3C id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__| xor=SIBCANC3C id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear| Year of diagnosis

[D_907590067?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,847945207)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>breast cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3D id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3D id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_860112841?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,283025574)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>cervical cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3E id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__| xor=SIBCANC3E id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear| Year of diagnosis

[D_158354252?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,942970912)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>colon/rectal cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3F id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3F id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_654594205?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,596122041)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>esophageal cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3G id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3G id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_550722030?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,489400183)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>head and neck cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3H id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3H id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_142912472?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,863246236)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>kidney cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3I id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3I id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_158409298?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,607793249)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>leukemia</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3J id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__| xor=SIBCANC3J id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear| Year of diagnosis

[D_529744595?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,532172400)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>liver cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3K id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3K id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_315987564?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,754745617)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>lung or bronchial cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3L id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3L id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_852278004?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,665036297)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3M id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3M id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_391972881?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,200837530)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>lymphoma</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3N id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3N id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_259089008?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,990319383)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>melanoma</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3O id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3O id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_209771602?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,487917585)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>non-melanoma skin cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3P id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3P id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_682651189?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,603181162)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>ovarian cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3Q id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3Q id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_750994269?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,482225200)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>pancreatic cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3R id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3R id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_700889863?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,295976386)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>prostate cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3S id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3S id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_990114799?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,764891959)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>stomach cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3T id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3T id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_195363361?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,248374037)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>testicular cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3U id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3U id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_216840563?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,139822395)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>thyroid cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3V id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3V id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_514034680?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,723614811)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>uterine cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3W id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__| xor=SIBCANC3W id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear| Year of diagnosis

[D_247160067?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,807835037)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_957429734,false),false)|<b>{$D_957429734}</b>||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|<b>another type of cancer</b>|?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3X id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3X id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

[D_312545873?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,178420302)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3Y id=D_206625031 min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3Y id=D_261863326 minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

danielruss commented 3 years ago

... Response stored in LF: Questionnaire 

~Where is the error?~ I did not give them cancer... giving my sister breast cancer at 26... ok.. I see the issue...

danielruss commented 3 years ago

@FrogGirl1123 @Davinkjohnson I have warned you that if you don't have unique Id's crazy things will happen. I may a smaller version of the modules and tacked on the cancer type to the "Age at Diagnosis" and the "or if it is easier the year". The problem goes away. :angry:

[SIB] Siblings

The next questions are about your siblings (brothers and sisters), including those who are no longer living. Please include full siblings (share the same biological mother and father), and half-siblings (share the same biological mother or father). Please do not include adopted or step siblings.

[D_694265648?] How many siblings do you have, including full and half-siblings?
|__|__|id=D_694265648 min=0 max=25| #Siblings

[SIBCONFIRM] You told us that you have |displayif=isNotDefined(D_694265648,0)|0| {$D_694265648} sibling|displayif=or(equals(D_694265648,0),or(isNotDefined(D_694265648,0),greaterThanOrEqual(D_694265648,2)))|s|, including full and half-siblings.

If this is <b>not</b> correct, please select the “Back” button to update your response. If this is correct, please select the “Next” button to move forward.

<loop max=25>

[D_406098499?|firstquestion=#loop loopmax=D_694265648|] For your |displayif=equals(#loop,1)|oldest||displayif=greaterThan(#loop,1)|next oldest| sibling, please create a nickname or share initials that we can use to refer to this sibling again in future surveys.


[D_579563781?] Thinking of |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your ||displayif=and(doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false),greaterThan(#loop,1))|next ||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|oldest sibling|, what biological sex was this sibling assigned at birth?
(536341288) Female
(654207589) Male
(576796184) Intersex or other
(178420302) Don’t know

[D_807431780?,displayif=doesNotEqual(D_992987417,104430631)]You said you were born a twin, triplet, or other multiple. Is this sibling your twin, triplet, or multiple?
(353358909) Yes -> D_890637099
(104430631) No

[D_589588769?] Is |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| a…
(555374628) Full sibling
(871673221) Half sibling, same mother
(198654048) Half sibling, same father

[D_890637099?] Is |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| still living?
(353358909) Yes -> D_869387390
(104430631) No -> D_537137982
(178420302) Don’t know
< -> D_607773106 >

[D_869387390?] How old is |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| today?
|__|__|__|id=D_478706011 min=0 max=125| Sibling’s age
[178420302*] Don’t know

[D_537137982?] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they died?
|__|__|__|id=D_338020179 min=0 max=125| Sibling’s age
[178420302*] Don’t know

[D_607773106?]|displayif=equals(D_890637099,353358909)|Has||displayif=doesNotEqual(D_890637099,353358909)|Did| a doctor or other health professional ever |displayif=equals(D_890637099,353358909)|told||displayif=doesNotEqual(D_890637099,353358909)|tell| |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| that they |displayif=equals(D_890637099,353358909)|have or |had any type of <b>cancer</b>?
(104430631) No -> _CONTINUE
(353358909) Yes -> D_578895128
(178420302) Don't know -> _CONTINUE
< #NR -> _CONTINUE >

[D_578895128?] Which type(s) of <b>cancer</b>? Select all that apply.
[939782495] Anal -> D_384881609
[135725957] Bladder -> D_483975329
[518416174] Brain -> D_570279754
[847945207] Breast -> D_907590067
< -> _CONTINUE >

#### Anal cancer...
[D_384881609?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,939782495)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>anal cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3A id=D_206625031_ANAL min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3A id=D_261863326_ANAL minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

#### Bladder cancer...
[D_483975329?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,135725957)]How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>bladder cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3B id=D_206625031_BLADDER min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3B id=D_261863326_BLADDER minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis

#### Brain cancer...
[D_570279754?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,518416174)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>brain cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3C id=D_206625031_BRAIN min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__| xor=SIBCANC3C id=D_261863326_BRAIN minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear| Year of diagnosis

#### Breast cancer...
[D_907590067?,displayif=equals(D_578895128,847945207)] How old was |displayif=equals(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|{$D_406098499}||displayif=doesNotEqual(isNotDefined(D_406098499,false),false)|your sibling| when they were <b>first</b> told by a doctor or other health professional that they have or had <b>breast cancer</b>?
|__|__|__|__|xor=SIBCANC3D id=D_206625031_BREAST min=0 max=125| Age at diagnosis

Or, if it is easier to remember the year, enter that here:   |__|__|__|__|  xor=SIBCANC3D id=D_261863326_BREAST minval=difference(difference(#currentYear,isDefined(D_478706011,isDefined(SIBDEATH_NUM,125))),1) max=#currentYear|Year of diagnosis


[END] good bye...
FrogGirl1123 commented 3 years ago

@danielruss As I mentioned above, I know the issue is being caused by the harmonization (which was intentional) but the data is being stored (which is why I put this as a medium priority). What we are looking for is a fix, as ultimately we would like to harmonize across this and other variables. Is there away to get quest to use it's own nesting structure to avoid the issue (i.e. on quest's back end it's stored "570279754": "206625031" and "907590067": "206625031" (in the first round of the loop)). Can this nesting of the question and the answer be used as a fix? This is on the list for FAIR tomorrow

anthonypetersen commented 2 years ago

is this still an issue?

Davinkjohnson commented 2 years ago

@anthonypetersen I believe you said you saw this on a prod PT recently. (Not sure if it was specific to siblings tho)

anthonypetersen commented 2 years ago

@danielruss is this the same issue as the one brought up recently? if so, would it be more appropriate to have this on the Quest board?

danielruss commented 2 years ago

I think this was fixed closing either way it is stale...