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SSN added introduction statement, revised question text, response text, response options, error messages, skip logic, and end messages #287

Closed cusackjm closed 6 months ago

cusackjm commented 9 months ago

Content changes under review I will update this issue when they are ready for programming https://nih.app.box.com/file/772342375528?s=4ih3qinmaio8r4x5wt81doe32mncsv0n

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

DCEG Doc: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1348654605060 IMS Doc: https://nih.app.box.com/file/1348664783360

I will update this issue once the DD is updated

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago

For these changes, There are 2 questions where entered number needs to be confirmed. That part does not have separate ID. So not sure how I can compare 2 values. Most probably we need a separate function for this? Or we need a separate ID for that value. Shown below :

@danielruss any idea?

[SrvSS_SSNv2r1] Please enter your Social Security Number:
- -
Please confirm your Social Security Number: - - _

danielruss commented 8 months ago

@joshid-ims There was no way to handle this in the current version. So I had to update quest to allow the user to inform quest that another element was a confirmation element. If you correct either of the elements, they have to validate.

Here is a SSCE that shows the new feature.

SSN Please: |SSN|id=lala confirm=lili|

SSN again: |SSN|id=lili|

Thats all folks
danielruss commented 8 months ago

The wiki is also updated. https://github.com/episphere/quest/wiki#confirming-social-security-numbers

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago

Thanks Daniel!

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago

@cusackjm, do you want me to use any particular IDs for these? For whole SSN and also for last 4 digits.

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

No, we don't want the 2nd response to save. The 2nd response is just being used to confirm the participant entered the correct SSN

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago

Yes, but Daniel's code show it needs an ID.

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

@joshid-ims by id, do you mean cid or variable name (similar to intro text)?

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago

Like lala and lili in Daniel's code.

[H1] SSN Please: |SSN|id=lala confirm=lili|

SSN again: |SSN|id=lili|

[END] Thats all folks

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

so just changing lala and lili to something else in the markdown?

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago


danielruss commented 8 months ago

@cusackjm Quest does not allow you to not save an input. So if you want to confirm, you MUST have an id for it and it WILL make it into the final data. The downstream analysis need to ignore it. Although they may want to confirm that the two are equal. Client side validation can be bypassed by sophisticated users trying to break the system.

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

@danielruss is it possible to save the responses under a single variable name (i.e., the question variable name)?

danielruss commented 8 months ago

No not now, I'll look not saving anything that is used for confirmation. It may change the markdown for IMS. @joshid-ims We may have to change to something like

SSN Please: |SSN|id=lala|

SSN again: |SSN|confirmFor=lala|

Thats all folks

Then I need some way to delete confirmFor from the data. This may not work.

joshid-ims commented 8 months ago

ok, Please let me know when this is done/added.

cusackjm commented 7 months ago

@danielruss any update on this?

danielruss commented 7 months ago

@cusackjm This fix will take longer to implement.

cusackjm commented 7 months ago

@danielruss that is ok, this survey can be separate from the batched 1/2024 prod push

Davinkjohnson commented 6 months ago

All of these comments are captured in the tracked document on Box. Closing this as a duplicate.