episphere / questionnaire

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Skip logic error, went to MWALCFREE after DENTURES #294

Closed cusackjm closed 7 months ago

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

I entered the following responses: <html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" xmlns:m="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2004/12/omml" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">

ORALHLTH | 0 = Excellent -- | -- MWBEFORE | 0 = No RINSEBEFORE | 0 = No GUMBEFORE | 0 = No TOBACCOBEFORE | 0 = No HYGIENE | Toothbrush Floss Water-based floss Tongue Cleaner Teeth-whiteners Mouthwash BRUSH2 | 44 = Never FLOSS2 | 0 = Less than once per week WTRPICK2 | 1 = Once or twice per week TONGUE2 | 2 = Three to five times per week WHITE2 | 3 = Once per day MWUSE | Alcohol-based Alcohol-free Chlorhexidine Fluoride mout Peroxide mout Cetylpyridinium Mw for sensitive Mw for dry mouth MWALC | NO-RESPONSE MWALCFREE | NO-RESPONSE MWCHLOR | NO-RESPONSE MWFLOURIDE | NO-RESPONSE MWPEROX | NO-RESPONSE MWCETYL | NO-RESPONSE MWSENSITIVE | NO-RESPONSE MWDRY | NO-RESPONSE PERMTTHLOST | Accident decay disease other reason TEETHLOSTAI | 0 = 1 TEETHLOSTD | 1 = 2 to 4 TEETHLOSTOTH | 2 = 5 to 9 DENTURES | Dental Bridge Partial Denture Full Denture Dental Implants Other

I should have gone to DENTALCLEAN after DENTURES, but went back to MWALCFREE. Console screenshot: image

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

I clicked through MWALCFREE-MYDRY (still did not respond), then PERMTTHLOST-DENTURES and all of the subsequent responses were saved. after DENTURES it took me back to MWCHLOR (instead of MWALCFREE)

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

@danielruss is this a quest issue? tony is seeing the responses and doesn't think it is a pwa issue?

Davinkjohnson commented 8 months ago

@cusackjm @danielruss i just repeated the steps Julie mentioned above in the Quest renderer and experienced the same issue. So this is an issue within Quest (or the markup), not the PWA.

danielruss commented 8 months ago

@Davinkjohnson If there is a problem with the markup, it will also appear in the quest dev tool. Let me take a look. One sec

danielruss commented 8 months ago

What module is this?

cusackjm commented 8 months ago


Davinkjohnson commented 8 months ago

@Davinkjohnson If there is a problem with the markup, it will also appear in the quest dev tool. Let me take a look. One sec

Maybe I used the wrong terminology? "the renderer" is what I said but what I meant was I loaded the entire module into the tool/app found here: https://episphere.github.io/quest

When testing with this tool and using the module, which Julie linked, I received the same results Julie mentioned. I updated my comment because I see that I mistyped my thought as "markup" but meant the issue isn't within the PWA. (since I replicated it in the dev tool.)

danielruss commented 8 months ago

Hi All, This is a markup error: https://github.com/episphere/questionnaire/blob/main/moduleMouthwash.txt#L112C1-L193C1

You want this to be:

[D_406270109?] In the last <b>month</b>, which of these mouthwash products have you used? Select all that apply. 

[950773275]     Alcohol-based mouthwash (such as Scope® or LISTERINE®) -> D_349659426
[762727133]     Alcohol-free mouthwash (such as LISTERINE® Zero) -> D_766370065
[877842367]     Chlorhexidine mouthwash (such as PeridexTM, PerioGard®, or Paroex®) -> D_520416570
[886771318]     Fluoride mouthwash (such as ACT®) -> D_921972241
[404389800]     Peroxide mouthwash (such as Colgate® Peroxyl® Mouth Sore Rinse) -> D_526973271
[463302301]     Cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash (such as Crest® Pro-Health) -> D_460873842
[259744087]     Mouthwash for sensitive teeth (such as Sensodyne®) -> D_430060900
[523660949]     Mouthwash for dry mouth (such as biotène®) -> D_800752981
< -> D_899251483 >

[D_349659426?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use alcohol-based mouthwash (such as Scope® or LISTERINE®)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_766370065?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use alcohol-free mouthwash (such as LISTERINE® Zero)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_520416570?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use chlorhexidine mouthwash (such as PeridexTM, PerioGard®, or Paroex®)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_921972241?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use fluoride mouthwash (such as ACT®)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_526973271?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use peroxide mouthwash (such as Colgate® Peroxyl® Mouth Sore Rinse)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778) Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_460873842?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash (such as Crest® Pro- Health)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_430060900?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use mouthwash for sensitive teeth (such as Sensodyne®)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

[D_800752981?] In the last <b>month</b>, how often did you use mouthwash for dry mouth (such as biotène®)?
(648960871)     Never
(693256778)     Less than once per week
(735330419)     Once or twice per week
(138332277)     Three to five times per week
(858624942)     Once per day
(850675416)     Two or more times per day

Thanks @Davinkjohnson for pointing out that I left out the < -> D_899251483 > That is really important.

danielruss commented 8 months ago

This issue is that No Response is adding questions to the question queue that are already present in the queue. So the questions are added twice. The queue gets lost because it points to two place in the queue.


This leads to unpredictable results. I removed the #NR -> XXXX and also the unnecessary displayifs's.

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

@joshid-ims @boyd-mj please see the above markdown issue

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

confirmed fix in Mtw Survey during Dev testing on 10/26/23

cusackjm commented 8 months ago

This issue exists in Blood, Urine, Mouthwash survey

cusackjm commented 7 months ago

confirmed fix in blood/urine/Mtw Survey during Dev testing on 11/15/2023