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Menstrual Cycle (Spanish version) - Embedded English text #331

Closed huip-ims closed 3 months ago

huip-ims commented 4 months ago

Hi Julie - I'm seeing some English text embedded in the Spanish version of the questionnaire. Could you please confirm if these English text should be displayed along with the Spanish text? See examples below.

Cuando donó muestras para el Estudio de conexión para la prevención del cáncer [Connect for Cancer Prevention Study]

Respondió a todas las preguntas de este cuestionario. Para enviar sus respuestas, seleccione el botón “Enviar cuestionario” [“Submit Survey”].

huip-ims commented 4 months ago

@cusackjm @danielruss @boyd-mj Julie & Daniel - In addition to my question above, if a participant answers 'No' to MENS1, the skip logic goes to END message “Thank you. When your next menstrual period starts, please return to complete this survey.” [EXIT AND CLEAR CACHE]. However, in the renderer, the END message is displayed and to move forward, the participant has to select the "Submit Survey" button. Is this acceptable or is there a way in the markdown to "EXIT AND CLEAR CACHE"?


danielruss commented 4 months ago

This is not and should not be a quest feature. The PWA should coordinate the this.

PWA (here is the survey) -> QUEST (NO) -> PWA (Oh... the answer was no, don't mark as complete, clear localforage...)

depietrodeanna commented 4 months ago

@anthonypetersen looping in you from DevOps in case there is anything we need to consider. We got a question about embedded English within the Spanish text version of the Menst Survey. There is English in the translated quex document from NIH Lib so I think we can include it, but I'm not concerned about leaving it out either.

anthonypetersen commented 4 months ago

This is not and should not be a quest feature. The PWA should coordinate the this.

PWA (here is the survey) -> QUEST (NO) -> PWA (Oh... the answer was no, don't mark as complete, clear localforage...)

What @danielruss is describing is exactly how the survey has worked since it went live. The PWA is listening for an answer to that question and if it is NO the PWA intercepts Quest and renders the text telling them to come back later with only an OK button displayed. When that button is clicked, we reset the status of the survey for the participant.

huip-ims commented 3 months ago

Menstrual Cycle markdown (Spanish version) has been delivered.